Wednesday 20 August 2008

Contract needs to put to all gurdwaras

So much disrespect is happening when people take sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji home. All the gurdwara need to educate the sangat. I have drawn up a contract whihc should be signed by any member of the sangat wish to take maharaj home, if they refuse to sign they should not be allowed to have darshan of maharaj at their house. But will Gurdwaras do this as most comittees are intrested in money then sikhi.

Please copy and paste and give to your comittees if possible

Contract to keep respect of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji in Sangats houses


There are all sorts of reasons and occasions why people want to have the presence of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji in their houses. In sad times we need strength, in times of happiness we say thank you and at certain occasions we seek the Gurus blessing. Whatever the reason is we must ensure that our house becomes like a Gurdwara while Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is present in our house. Also anyone doing patth from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji or handling Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji must have had a full body wash including head and must not wear socks.

Code of conduct to keep respect of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji:

• The reason why we are seeking Guru Ji’s blessings. Some “Sikhs” may be opening an off licence and therefore want Guru Ji’s blessings before the Grand opening. This is ridiculous as the Guru would never bless corrupt practices which they preached against. Guru Nanak Dev Ji refused a meal at the palace of a King due to the same principle.

• In the Darbar (room where Guru Ji’s parkash is) there should be no photos of the deceased (dead) and living human beings (all focus and attention must be emphasized on Guru Ji). No idols are to be present in the darbar. The platform of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji should be the highest and the only focal point of the Darbar. No photo of a person should be placed in front of Guru Ji (a lot of people do this at funerals); this is an Anti-Sikh ritual which is forbidden, as Sikhs do not bow to photos or idols.

• There should be no meat, alcohol (drugs) or tobacco present within the premises. If any anti-Sikh business attached to the premises and is owned by the Sangat, Sri Guru Granth JI will not be allowed to enter the premises.

• Nobody should rest or walk in the room above Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

• Head should be covered at all times.

By signing this contract I agree that in order to maintain the respect of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji in my premises, I will uphold all the above principals.

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