Friday 7 December 2007

Research into the dangers of eating Meat!

There is no nutritional need for humans to eat any animal products; all of our dietary needs, even as infants and children, are best supplied by an animal-free diet. The Human is designed for eating and digesting plant foods, so it is no wonder that our major health problems can be traced to meat consumption.

Gorillas are a very big and strong animal. They mainly eat plants and bananas, so all these excuses Singhs use “I need to get big and fight against tyranny that’s why I eat meat” is bull. Most of the time bare mans train to get muscles to impress girls anyway. They use the warrior card just to justify the free training in the Gurdwara gym.

The consumption of animal products has been conclusively linked with heart disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, and osteoporosis. (Even a lot of vegetarians get these diseases but they are more common amongst meat eaters). Animal fat clogs arteries, leading to heart attacks and strokes. A vegetarian diet can prevent 97 percent of coronary occlusions. The rate of colon cancer is highest in regions where meat consumption is high, and lowest where meat-eating is uncommon. A similar pattern is evident for breast, cervical, uterine, ovarian, prostate, and lung cancers.

Low-fat diets, particularly those without saturated fat (High amount present in meat), have been instrumental in allowing many diabetics to dispense with their pills, shots, and pumps. A study of more than 25,000 people over age 21 found that vegetarians have a much lower risk of getting diabetes than meat-eaters.

A 1983 Michigan State University study found that by age 65, male vegetarians had an average measurable bone loss of 3 percent; male meat-eaters, 18 percent; female vegetarians, 7 percent; female meat-eaters, 35 percent

Consumers of animal products take in far greater amounts of residual agricultural chemicals, industrial pollutants, antibiotics, and hormones than do vegetarians. The absorption of antibiotics through meat-eating results in antibiotic-resistant strains of pneumonia, childhood meningitis, gonorrhea, salmonella, and other serious illnesses.

Fish is another source of dangerous residues because of the level of cancer-causing polychlorinated biphenyl’s (PCBs) found in the waters in which they live.

Throughout the world, forests are being destroyed to support the meat-eating habits of the "developed" nations. Between 1960 and 1985, nearly 40 percent of all Central American rain forests were destroyed to create pasture for beef cattle. The rain forests are the primary source of oxygen for the entire planet, the forests also provide ingredients for many medicines used to treat and cure human illnesses, and these resources have yet to be explored for their full potential.

The production of one pound of beef requires 2,500 gallons of water. It takes less water to produce a year's worth of food for a pure vegetarian than to produce a month's worth of food for a meat-eater.

Raising animals for food is an extremely inefficient way to feed a growing human population. The U.S. livestock population consumes enough grain and soybeans to feed more than five times the entire U.S. population. One acre of pasture produces an average of 165 pounds of beef; the same acre can produce 20,000 pounds of potatoes.

If Americans reduced their meat consumption by only 10 percent, it would free 12 million tons of grain annually for human consumption. That alone would be enough to adequately feed each of the 60 million people who starve to death each year.

Information taken from John Robbins, Diet for a New America (Walpole, N.H.: Stillpoint Publishing, 1987)