The Sikh Prayer for Meal Times
Before and after Sikhs eat they are meant to say a prayer as a Thank you to God for providing them with food. Every time we eat we should not take it for granted because there are loads of people suffering from hunger.
D is for the dear lord Waheguru who is the sole provider for the whole creation.
There is no limit to his giving; his countless stores are filled to overflowing.
From whom we receive our nourishment, let us all celebrate him.
O Nanak no one can issue commands to the Dear Lord Master (Waheguru), Let us offer prayers instead.
Seek the one sole provider, you will be blessed with everything and all your wishes will be fulfilled.
Meditate on the one sole provider (waheguru) with mind, body, each breath and morsel of food.
O dear almighty God (waheguru)! May the love of you Naam be exalted through Guru Nanak. May all prosper according to your will.