Do not turn your back on the Sikh Victims – Do the honourable thing!
If a Singer raped your child, would you wear their top and still listen to their music? The answer is no, as a protest to the Singers act many more would turn their backs on this singer. That’s would be the honourable thing to do dough?
So why is it that we so called Sikhs wear the tops of our oppressors?
On October 31, 198, Indira Ghandi was assassinated by her two Sikh security guards as payback for all the atrocities she had committed and as prevention to prevent her from committing the atrocities she had planned. Even dough one of the assassins was shot dead on the spot and the other taken into custody. Anti Sikh Murder squads killed thousands of Sikhs.
Sikhs were beaten, stabbed, doused in kerosene and burned alive by mobs, thousands of Sikhs were made homeless and jobless less as there shops and homes were reduced to ashes. 330 Gurdwaras were burnt and Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Saroops were desecrated in many violating situations.
The slaughter of Sikhs took place throughout
Many of the organizers of these anti-Sikh military like pogroms have been identified as politicians at the highest levels of the Indian government. These individuals roam free even today and continue to participate in elections. No attempt has ever been made by the Indian government to bring them to justice.
“The bodies beside the track were all Sikhs, some had been burned alive others were beaten to death. The Sikhs were pulled from trains by a Hindu mob outside
For the first time in history of mob violence in
More than 60,000 Sikhs were rendered homeless in
Days of violence, loot and murder left the national capital dazed, reeling from an unprecedented holocaust. The pattern was nauseatingly repeated everywhere. Spontaneous arson and destruction at first taken by criminally led hoodlums who killed Sikhs, looted or burnt homes and properties while the police twiddled their thumbs. – India today November 15th 1984
An eyewitness account revealed that a Sikh was being pursued by a mob, attempting to save his life he climbed into a police jeep. But he was thrown out by the police to the attacking mob and was killed on the spot. – Manushi November 1984
Police officers stood by and watched arson, rape, looting and murder without making any attempt to intervene to protect citizens belonging to the Sikh minority. They did not stop the attackers or call for reinforcements or even other support such as the fire brigade. – Report – who are the guilty?
Human rights violations and atrocities continue to occur towards minority groups all over
Freedoms we take for granted are non existent for citizens of this so called democratic country.
As a Sikh do not wear the Indian colour or an Indian team top, they are the symbols of our oppressors!