To reach your True Home after you die, you must conquer death while you are still alive. Ang 21 Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
Maharaj is telling us to jaap naam, live purely and merge our soul with the supreme light while we are alive. This is the only way to beat death!
This Shabad is by Guru Nanak Dev Ji in Siree Raag on ANG 19 SGGSJ
Siree Raag, First Mehla:
The empty body is dreadful, when the soul goes out from within.
The burning fire of life is extinguished, and the smoke of the breath no longer emerges.
The five relatives (the senses) weep and wail painfully, and waste away through the love of duality.
You fool: chant the Name of the Lord, and preserve your virtue.
Egotism and possessiveness are very enticing; egotistical pride has plundered everyone.
Those who have forgotten the Naam, the Name of the Lord, are attached to affairs of duality.
Attached to duality, they putrefy and die; they are filled with the fire of desire within.
Those who are protected by the Guru are saved; all others are cheated and plundered by deceitful worldly affairs.
Love dies, and affection vanishes. Hatred and alienation die.
Entanglements end, and egotism dies, along with attachment to Maya, possessiveness and anger.
Those who receive His Mercy obtain the True One. The Gurmukhs dwell forever in balanced restraint.
By true actions, the True Lord is met, and the Guru's Teachings are found.
Then, they are not subject to birth and death; they do not come and go in reincarnation.
O Nanak, they are respected at the Lord's Gate; they are robed in honor in the Court of the Lord.
Without the Shabad, this pollution is not washed off; through the cycle of death and rebirth, they waste away in misery. Ang 29 Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
The spiritually blind do not even think of the Naam; they are all bound and gagged by the Messenger of Death. Ang 32 Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
Those who have not met the Primal Being, the True Guru, are most unfortunate, and are subject to death. Ang 40 Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Siree Raag on ANG 43 SGGSJ
Siree Raag, Fifth Mehla:
For a brief moment, man is a guest of the Lord; he tries to resolve his affairs.
Engrossed in Maya and sexual desire, the fool does not understand.
He arises and departs with regret, and falls into the clutches of the Messenger of Death.
You are sitting on the collapsing riverbank-are you blind?
If you are so pre-destined, then act according to the Guru's Teachings.
The Reaper does not look upon any as unripe, half-ripe or fully ripe.
Picking up and wielding their sickles, the harvesters arrive.
When the landlord gives the order, they cut and measure the crop.
The first watch of the night passes away in worthless affairs, and the second passes in deep sleep.
In the third, they babble nonsense, and when the fourth watch comes, the day of death has arrived.
The thought of the One who bestows body and soul never enters the mind.
I am devoted to the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy; I sacrifice my soul to them.
Through them, understanding has entered my mind, and I have met the All-knowing Lord God.
Nanak sees the Lord always with him-the Lord, the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts.
The whole world is bound by death; without the Guru, death cannot be avoided. Ang 55 Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
This Shabad is by Guru Nanak Dev Ji in Siree Raag on ANG 55 SGGSJ
Siree Raag, First Mehla:
The fish did not notice the net in the deep and salty sea.
It was so clever and beautiful, but why was it so confident?
By its actions it was caught, and now death cannot be turned away from its head.
O Siblings of Destiny, just like this, see death hovering over your own heads!
People are just like this fish; unaware, the noose of death descends upon them.
The whole world is bound by death; without the Guru, death cannot be avoided.
Those who are attuned to Truth are saved; they renounce duality and corruption.
I am a sacrifice to those who are found to be Truthful in the
Think of the hawk preying on the birds, and the net in the hands of the hunter.
Those who are protected by the Guru are saved; the others are caught by the bait.
Without the Name, they are picked up and thrown away; they have no friends or companions.
God is said to be the Truest of the True; His Place is the Truest of the True.
Those who obey the True One-their minds abide in true meditation.
Those who become Gurmukh, and obtain spiritual wisdom-their minds and mouths are known to be pure.
Offer your most sincere prayers to the True Guru, so that He may unite you with your Best Friend.
Meeting your Best Friend, you shall find peace; the Messenger of Death shall take poison and die.
I dwell deep within the Name; the Name has come to dwell within my mind.
Without the Guru, there is only pitch darkness; without the Shabad, understanding is not obtained.
Through the Guru's Teachings, you shall be enlightened; remain absorbed in the Love of the True Lord.
Death does not go there; your light shall merge with the Light.
You are my Best Friend; You are All-knowing. You are the One who unites us with Yourself.
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, we praise You; You have no end or limitation.
Death does not reach that place, where the Infinite Word of the Guru's Shabad resounds.
By the Hukam of His Command, all are created. By His Command, actions are performed.
By His Command, all are subject to death; by His Command, they merge in Truth.
O Nanak, whatever pleases His Will comes to pass. Nothing is in the hands of these beings.