Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Hate Finds Another Victim in New Jersey

SALDEF concerned about potential backlash in the coming weeks after historic Presidential election Washington, DC – October 29, 2008: On Monday, the Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund (SALDEF), the oldest and largest Sikh American civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States, documented a violent hate crime against a Sikh American man in Carteret, New Jersey.Before dawn on Monday morning, Mr. Ajit Singh Chima walked out of his home in Carteret for his daily exercise.

As he walked around his neighborhood, Mr. Chima was violently struck in the head by a Hispanic male who appeared to be in his twenties. As Mr. Chima fell to the ground, the assailant continued to violently punch and kick Mr. Chima in the head, neck and face before casually walking away from the scene. Nothing was stolen from Mr. Chima’s person.Mr. Chima suffered four broken bones around his jaw and eyes. Other medical tests are ongoing to diagnose any possible effects on his vision or greater head injuries.

As of today, no arrests have been made. Upon learning of the incident, SALDEF alerted local police, the Mayor of Carteret, the FBI and other Justice Department officials and urged them to investigate the attack as a possible hate crime.

Carteret Mayor Daniel J. Reiman acknowledged SALDEF’s concerns about post-9/11 hate crimes against Sikhs and reassured SALDEF that the attack would be properly investigated.“In light of previous hate attacks against the Sikh American community, if theft isn’t an issue, and if the assailant isn’t known to the victim, we are left with a presumption that bias was a motive,” said Rajdeep Singh Jolly, Legal Director of SALDEF. “We want law enforcement officials to investigate this attack as a possible hate crime.”T

he Potential for MoreOver the past year, SALDEF and many other organizations have expressed concern about the use of ethnic and religious slurs in the context of the presidential campaign ad the perceived acceptance from both campaigns that to be or perceived to be Muslim or Arab is negative. SALDEF has also documented an increase in verbal assaults directed toward Sikhs in the past 30 days. For example, last month, a community member came to SALDEF regarding an incident that occurred in Providence, RI which could have resulted in violence. While waiting on the sidewalk for a companion to park their car, a Sikh American man was approached by a white male who got out of his vehicle and accosted him. The white male approached the turbaned Sikh male and allegedly stated, " I have a gun in my car and since you are a hajii no one will care if I kill you. You know why the police won't do anything? Because I got blond hair and blue eyes." As the assailant left, he screamed, "F*** Arabs and F*** Obama."

“The bias-filled rhetoric has reached a new high this campaign season and our community must be prepared for any potential increase in hate and bias crimes,” said SALDEF National Director Rajbir Singh Datta. “Individuals who feel no shame about verbally assaulting members of the Sikh American community usually just need a spark to turn violent. We fear the spark may be the outcome of the presidential campaign, regardless of who wins.”T

This should not prevent Sikh Americans from voting on November 4, 2008. SALDEF urges all Sikh Americans to exercise their democratic right to cast a ballot for the candidate of their choice this election year. As always, however, Sikh Americans should be aware of their surroundings; stay in contact with friends and family; and immediately report any incidents of harassment or violence to the police and to SALDEF at or via phone at (202) 393-2700.Source: Rajbir Singh Datta, Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund

United Sikhs Serves Hot Meals to Hurricane Ike Evacuees

Houston, Texas, USA – United Sikhs’ Humanitarian Aid team served over 900 hot meals to evacuees of Hurricane Ike in Houston, Texas over a period of five days from Oct 1st. FEMA and partner agencies contacted United Sikhs requesting that we serve hot meals and distribute emergency supplies to evacuees in Houston. The Sikh Center of the Gulf Coast in Houston, a gurdwara (Sikh place of worship), provided the kitchen facilities to cook hot meals for evacuees.

United Sikhs’ volunteers from Austin, Dallas, and Houston prepared meals which were then transported and served at local shelters. The hot meals were well received by the evacuees and relief partner agencies. Reginald Williams, a District Coordinator of State Representative Sylvester Turner, met the volunteers at the site and offered his sincere thanks to United Sikhs for providing food to evacuees.“We cooked rice, lentils, chick peas, kidney beans and prepared yogurt and salad at the Sikh Center of the Gulf Coast.

It was a great feeling to help others” said Rajwant Kaur, a volunteer from Houston.“Mary Bennet, a single mom, who had a tree in her driveway due to the hurricane which damaged the property and disrupted the power, gave a warm hug to volunteers across the serving table with tears in her eyes. Many more evacuees personally thanked volunteers for the meals, and it was great for local Sikh volunteers to give to other Texans.” said Gurjeet Kaur, United Sikhs relief coordinator.Lisa Cummins, the Florida Volunteer Coordinator for the Churches of Scientology Disaster Response, who supported the United Sikhs hot meals service, said, "It was such an honor for our team of Volunteer Ministers who were providing emotional and spiritual Assists, to work alongside your team of volunteers who graciously provided warm meals to those affected by Hurricane Ike. I know the people we served were very appreciative of this care. We look forward to working with your organization in the future." Harcharan Singh, Tarlok Singh and Gurjeet Kaur serving food Gurvinder Singh, Kawaljeet Kaur and Izhaarbir Singh serving food “We are working with agencies in the Galveston area to provide medical assistance to those evacuees who need essential medical treatment.

We plan to send a disaster medical assistance team of physicians, nurses and practitioners, and we request additional medical professionals to volunteer with us. Our experienced medical team has responded to some of the worst natural disasters including the Asian Tsunami and Hurricane Katrina” said United Sikhs Director Kuldip Singh.Suource: Gurvinder Singh, Director Sikh Aid United Sikhs