Wednesday, 23 April 2008

Your Sikh Remain Distinct!!!!!!

In Kuljug, god has put the fire of Sin in our bodies, the objective of this game is to extinguish this fire and be content. The fire contains dark energies as such as greed, lust, ego, anger and attachment. These Dark energies keep up trapped in Sin and falsehood. They cause the destruction of our souls and bodies. Gurbani tells us that by reading Gurbani, doing Sangat, doing our Nitnem, asking Guru Ji for help, meditating at Amrit-vela, and doing Kirtan we can extinguish this fire. Only with Guru’s grace we get liberated for this fire, but once we do the false desires and world pleasure no longer bother us. One feels a soothing and poise peace, which brings contentment. But this test that God created is not easy, as temptations and evilness is all around us in society.

As a Sikh we may see and hear of our friends and family having boyfriends, girlfriends and sex before marriage. But we must remain distinct as Guru Ji said:

Without having Anand Karaj those who have sexual relationships. Listen O' Sikh the Guru states, he is not my Sikh.Rehatnama Mukhthnama

Our friends may go KFC and but chicken, wear a base ball hat and take all types of drugs. But a Sikh must stay vegetarian, drug free and wear a turban.

Meat, opium, drugs and tobacco. Ganja, wearing hats, another's woman and alcohol. He who never even gazes at these evils. Recognize them as my disciplined Singh. Rehatnama Bhai Desa Singh

While your friends are coming back from clubbing, you must awake and worship the lord in order to destroy all the negative energies within us. In this way we will not be corrupted by falsehood and reach the true destination (Merging back with waheguru).

They are the Khalsa who destroy the five evils. They are the Khalsa who burn away delusion. Thankhaanama Bhai Nand Laal Jee

With the sword of spiritual wisdom, kill the five demons. Remain awake and aware to the Guru's Teachings. Ang 1413 Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

As your friends earn money by credit card frauds, selling intoxicants or whatever corrupted deed they do. You must have a respect job and give to charity.

Those who do not give one tenth of their earning to the Guru and earn a living of deceit and corruption. Listen carefully Nand Lal as Guru Gobind Singh speaks, they will suffer thousands of hells at death. Rehatnama Bhai Nand Laal Jee

Sikhs should not be selfish and greedy and must share with others. People spend thousands on luxuries while next man hasn’t even got a sack of rice, keep that in mind. A flash car will get you a speeding ticket, a 100 bags of rice sent to the deprived might get you united with Waheguru.

Do not just eat on your own; always try to share with others. Rehatnama Bhai Desa Singh

Adultery, gambling, dishonesty, stealing and intoxicants; these are five sins of the world which the Singh abandons. Rehatnama Bhai Desa Singh

Those who praise the Lord in the early hours of the morning and meditate on Him single-mindedly are the perfect kings; at the right time, they die fighting. Ang 145 Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

This man needs help

26 year old Kanwarjeet Singh Bhullar needs Bone Marrow transplant in order to survive Acute Myeloid LKanwarjeet's Recent Photo - March 2008eukemia. Kanwarjeet was born in Amritsar, Punjab (India) on 30-oct-1981 to Lakhwinder Kaur and Gursharan Singh. He completed his preliminary education from Shri Guru Harkrishan Sr. Secondary Public School and Khalsa College, Amritsar before graduating from Shaheed Udham Singh College Of Engineering & Technology, Mohali(2000-2004) with a degree in Mechanical Engineering.

Kanwarjeet then went to Central Queensland University, Australia to pursue Masters Degree in Accounting (2005-2006). It was during his visit to India in year 2006, to get married, he fell ill. All his tests were done but nothing was diagnosed. He then suddenly lost a lot of weight without any reason. His blood tests were done again with a bone marrow aspiration and on August 6th, 2007 he was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML), also known as BLOOD CANCER in common man’s language.

He has since been given 3 chemotherapies but there was not much effect on cancer cells so his doctor advised that he must undergo Bone Marrow Transplant. Unfortunately his bone marrow did not match with any of the immediate family members. He now needs to undergo Matched Unrelated Donor Therapy, facility currently unavailable in India. He has to come to America for treatment. Since he is not insured and is not American citizen he will have to pay everything upfront. The cost of treatment is estimated to be $500,000.

His family has been very supportive but it is hard for them to arrange such a huge amount of money for their son’s treatment which might even go higher depending on his condition. As of now Kanwarjeet and his family are helpless. He is isolated from rest of the world being restricted to his room because of his poor resistance to infections. Only his wife goes in and out of his room and that also with great precautions. No one is allowed to meet him and he just sits in his room all day long by himself.

It is hard to imagine what is going through his mind. We are talking about a 26 year old, who has much ahead and with blessing of god and all of you we can make his dreams true and help him lead a healthy life. We as Kanwarjeet’s family and friends want to raise money for his treatment. We don’t want to leave any stone unturned. We have talked to many charities and companies for donations. We will really appreciate your help. If you have any other question please feel free to contact us.

To donate visit the below site: