Sunday, 24 February 2008

Shaheed Bhai Ajit Singh Ji

Bhai Sahib was born in a small village in district Jalandhar. From childhood he was a very keen and focussed person. He grew up to be a very handsome, tall young man. He joined Indian Air Force in the fifties. There he met Bhai Tejinder Singh who was a well known Singh of Akhand Kirtani Jatha. Bhai Sahib Randhir Singh jee had not left this world yet and was physically alive. Bhai Tejinder Singh jee gave Bhai Ajit Singh jee some books to read on Sikhi.


After reading these books, Bhai Ajit Singh jee totally changed and expressed his desire to become a Sikh of Guru Nanak Dev jee. He wanted to meet Bhai Sahib Randhir Singh jee. He met Bhai Sahib and in the mid 1950s he took amrit at an amrit sinchaar organized by the Akhand Kirtani Jatha. After taking amrit, he used to get up at 1:30 am and his nitnem ended at around 7am. All day long too he kept reciting baani or Naam.


He never compromised on the principles of Gurmat. One of the most striking fact is that he did his military service in Air Force without tying his beard. It is totally unheard of but Bhai Sahib kept his rehit. In those days there was a Muslim senior officer whose name was HT Latif. Latif gave Muslims a special permission to maintained trimmed beard. Bhai Ajit Singh jee took a copy of the order of Latif that a religious Muslim is allowed to keep short beard. This letter greatly helped him in his service in Air Force.

Once there was a medal ceremony where Bhai Sahib showed up in his flowing beard. The Hindu officer who was distributing the medals, took a note of Bhai Sahib’s beard and asked him to tie it. Bhai Sahib refused and explained to him that it is his religion to maintain flowing beard. The officer took offense and threatened to take action if he did not obey orders. At this Bhai Sahib showed him a copy of the order of Latif, where he had allowed religious Muslims to maintained beards. Bhai Sahib said that he too was a “Maulwi” of Sikhs and wanted to keep a flowing beard. As much as the officer did not like this but he had no choice but to let him off because Latif was a much senior officer at that time. Guru Sahib kept Bhai Sahib’s honour.

Once a senior officer started smoking in the presence of Bhai Ajit Singh jee. Bhai Sahib requested him to stop smoking. He got offended as he did not expect a junior officer to tell him what to do. Bhai Sahib again requested him but the officer did not care and spoke rudely at him. He went as far as breathing smoke towards Bhai Sahib. This was too much for Bhai Sahib to sustain. He held his hand and forcefully stopped him from smoking.

The senior officer immediately ordered that Bhai Sahib be arrested. He was arrested and put in jail. Preparations for court martial were started. Some senior Sikh officers found out about this event. They explained to the other officers that this case could take a political turn if Bhai Sahib was prosecuted. Finally Bhai Sahib was released and he joined his service again. He did not apologize for his act and was willing to sacrifice for this act.

Bhai Sahib was very close to Shaheed Bhai Fauja Singh jee. Bhai Sahib used to stay at his house all the time and vice-versa. Bhai Sahib had great spirit for the chardi kala of Khalsa.


After the rise of the militant movement of the Sikhs, Bhai Sahib’s house became a main stay for the militant Singhs. They used to stay at his house all the time. Being a Khalsa, he could not refuse anyone from staying in his house. He served them with his mind body and spirit. Famous Singhs who used to stay with him were Shaheed Harjinder Singh Jinda, Shaheed Manbir Singh Chaheru, Shaheed Balbir Singh, Bhai Mahal Singh, Shaheed Labh Singh and many others.

Everyone knew that the consequences of letting the militants stay at your house meant total destruction. Despite knowing this, Bhai Sahib never cared for the consequences. He did not care that his 3 sons and a daughter too could be victimized for this. He was worried about a higher cause. He wanted to serve the Khalsa of Guru Gobind Singh jee and he was willing to sacrifice himself for this.

On July 1986 arrived when Bhai Sahib was arrested by CBI for helping the militants. He was taken to the infamous Tihar Jail of Delhi. He was severely tortured there. He stayed there for 9 months and in these nine months all efforts were made to make him incapable of doing any more sewa of Panth. They could not kill him as he was an officer in the Air Force but they made him into a living dead i.e. turned him into a harmless person for them. He used to narrate how he was made to witness tortures of other gursikhs. These gursikhs were tortured in front of him and then killed in fake encounters. One famous Singh who was killed this way was Roshan Lal Bairagi a Sikh who had converted from the Hindu faith.

Bhai Sahib was given electric shocks that greatly effected him. Electric shocks were given to his head and even to his private parts. He was severely tortured. They also used to give him injections and after those injections, he felt that his hands and feet used to start shaking. By the time he came out of jail, he had developed some fatal disease as a result of this torture. Because of this shaking of his hands and feet, he fell down a flight of stairs one day and fell into a coma. He stayed in this coma for about 6 years untill June 5, 2003. He breathed his last on that day.

What is a sehaj Pahtt

A sehaj pahtt is reading Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji in order from start to finish in a pace that suits you. For example you can read two Angs in a day and then the next day read 10 Angs etc. Ideally a Sikh is meant to complete a Sehaj path of whole of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji once a month. But if that is not possible even few Angs a day is will take your soul to next levels. Once you have completed a sehaj pahtt, it is to be started again; in this way throughout your whole life you will be doing darshan of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. There are no excuses we all have access to Guru Ji through the net and if you don’t know Gurmukhi read the English translations.

Sword of the Sikhs

Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the first Guru of the Sikhs, was born with the spiritual wisdom. This sword was used to destroy false rituals and beliefs which would never lead to union with waheguru. With this sword he denounced religious thugs and condemned ruthless kings and ministers as they were never condemned before.

You hold in your hands the sword of the Guru's spiritual wisdom; with this destroyer of death, kill the Messenger of Death. Ang 235 Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

Guru Angad Dev Ji, the second Guru of the Sikhs was given the sword of Spritaul wisdom, just like a candle lights another candle.

Nanak placed the umbrella of sovereignty on the head of Angad. He also graced the heart of Angad with the Mighty sword (Khaddag) of divine wisdom. Ang 966 Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

Guru Arjan Dev Ji, the fifth Guru of the Sikhs used martial metaphors in his shabads, he used these to arm his disciples with the sword of spirit. Without which no battle can be fought.

In His Mercy, God has blessed me with the sword of spiritual wisdom; I have attacked and killed the demons (Dark energies within us). Ang 1072 Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji the 6th Guru , at the age of 11 put on two swords. One representing spiritual sovereignty (piri) and the other representing political sovereignty (miri). He showed the Sikhs to fight for both religious and political freedoms, religion without political freedom and dignity was abject slavery, and politics without religion was organised barbarism.

Guru Gobind Singh Ji, the 10th Guru, stated that the sword was the symbol of Wahegurus power, Justice and saving grace through which he protects the virtuous and punished the wicked.

Sword that smiteth in a flash

That scatters the armies of the wicked

In the great battlefield

Thou are the symbol of the brave

Thine arm is irresistible thy brightness shine forth

The blaze of thou splendour dazzling like the sun

Sword, thou are the protector of the saints

Thou are the scourge of the wicked

Scatterer of the sinners, I take refuge in thee.

Victory to thee, sword: the savoir and sustainer

Victory to thee, Sword, supreme sword.

Bachitter Natak, Dasam Granth.

Protection Sakhi

This Sakhi if from Ang 1194 Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji:

Prahlaad was sent to school.
He took many of his friends along with him.
He asked his teacher, ""Why do you teach me about worldly affairs?
Write the Name of the Dear Lord on my tablet.""||1||

O Baba, I will not forsake the Name of the Lord.
I will not bother with any other lessons. ||1||Pause||
Sanda and Marka went to the king to complain.
He sent for Prahlaad to come at once.
He said to him, ""Stop uttering the Lord's Name.
I shall release you at once, if you obey my words.""||2||

Prahlaad answered, ""Why do you annoy me, over and over again?
God created the water, land, hills and mountains.
I shall not forsake the One Lord; if I did, I would be going against my Guru.
You might as well throw me into the fire and kill me.""||3||

The king became angry and drew his weapon.
"Show me your protector now!"
So God emerged out of the pillar, and assumed a mighty form.
He killed Harnaakhash, tearing him apart with his nails. ||4||

The Supreme Lord God, the Divinity of the divine,
for the sake of His devotee, assumed the form of the man-lion.
Says Kabeer, no one can know the Lord's limits.
He saves His devotees like Prahlaad over and over again. ||5||4||

The 5ks

The following five K's are the mark of Sikhi. These five can never be parted from the body. Kara, Kirpan, Kashera, Kangha, recognize these as four of them. The fifth is Kesh, without which the other four are useless. There are also four H's which must be avoided. Understand this without any doubt, no lies have been told. Hukka, taking tobacco (including any other type of intoxicants). Hajamat, removing of hair. Halalo, eating meat. Haram, adultery (sexual relationships outside of marriage). These are the four H's. Dyeing of beards (including any other body hair), and the wearing of mehndi (including other types of make up) are strictly forbidden. - Dasam Granth-Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji

KESH: Uncut hair is regarded as a symbol of saintliness as one accepts and lives in harmony with the lords will. Removing of the hair is seen as acting against the lords will. Shaving and cutting of the hair is a major taboo, as one will live in disharmony with the lords will. Sikhs believe hair have particular functions and were given to us by the lord for a purpose.

KANGHA: a special wooden comb. This is necessary to maintain the hair in a neat and tidy form. A Sikh must comb their hair twice a day and cover them with a dastar (turban). The dastar protects the hair and is an essential part of the Sikh uniform.

KARA: an iron bracelet, which is worn on the predominant arm of the Sikh. It reminds the Sikh of the vows taken by them, it is a constant reminder that they aren’t to take part in any activity that will bring shame and disgrace on them (for example stealing).

Kacchera: A special type of shorts to be worn at all times. It reminds the Sikh of the need of self-restraint over corrupt desires. Apart from its moral aspect it is ideal as practical martial underwear.

KIRPAN: the sword is worn solely for protection of righteousness, humanity and justice. It is a sign of readiness to confront injustices, it symbolizes dignity and self-reliance. One is capable to defend themselves, and the innocent-weak person from oppressors. It is the minimal protection that a khalsa soldier must carry at all times.

Frontline comments:

Don't know why people argue about kesh or keski being a kakkar, ideally they both go together. The dastar was given to all Sikhs by Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji. Guru Ji even told us in his Bani without Kesh all the others become useless!