Sikhs believe that God is the perfect creator and created humans in the perfect form, hence the reason why practicing Sikhs do no cut their hair, as we believe that God has created hair for a reason. Sikhs live by Gods will and altering the way God made us, is seen as offensive behaviour towards God. Any type of self harming to decorate your body is rejected by the Sikh faith, this includes ear-rings, belly piercing and tattoos. If tattoos are not allowed by the Sikh faith, what sense does it make getting a sikhi type of tattoo, where is the logic in this. What’s the point getting a shere (lion) tattoo, why not just act like one. Some people have Ik-Onkaar tattoos on there hand and wash their ass with the same hand, which is so disrespectful. Why is the trend of using Gurbani as a fashion symbol growing, when it is so disrespectful? If you want to be Sikh and proud, Live Sikhi and Fight for the Khalsa Panth! Getting a tattoo is a mugs game! I seriously recommended to those people who have Gurbani tattoos to get them removed ASAP, before you go and see Dharam Raj (Judge at Gods Court). Gurbani is too be recited and guides you to merge back with God, Gurbani isn’t a fashion symbol. The person in the picture could be smoking, drinking and eating meat with the same arm as the tattoo. It's totally disrespectful to the Guru.

Stop Getting Sikhi Tattoos, If you Have got one get it removed!!