Friday 30 November 2007

What is chatka meat?

Chatka meat is known as the meat of an animal which is killed with one blow of the sword.

Views of people that agree with chatka:

They Kill the animal and give it out as Mahaparshad (blessed food) in the form of langar.
They say it’s totally just because the animal is not made to suffer like it is in the Islamic way.
They say the animal is killed in a humane fashion.
They say an animal has to be sacrificed to appease the Bir-ras (warrior spirit), and they claim it is good practice for war. (I.e. if a person doesn't have the guts to kill a goat, how will the person fight and take the life of another human)
They say that, there are historic references of this practice in Sikh history.

Views of people that are against chatka:

The giving out of flesh as mahaprashad is a barbaric and inhumane act.
The killing of any innocent animal is murder, cruel, unjust, and cowardly.
If you want to appease the warrior spirit, fight for humanity and against injustices. What does killing a defenseless animal prove? There are many brave warriors in Sikh history, who never did chatka. It was Gurbani that gave them the warrior spirit.
There are some historical references in which, Sikhs at the time of war had hunted and killed animals due to malnutrition, but that does not make it right. Them Sikhs were desperate and it was about survival (but it’s still wrong).


Gurbani teaches us to be kind and compassionate to all of the creation. (Murdering innocent animals is the opposite). In Gurbani Guru Ji refers to people that eat meat as goblins and says they will get punished. So Chatka is Anti-Sikh, and real Sikhs don’t perform such barbaric practices.

Check the above video of Chatka, if you still think that is a Sikh practice. Go and see a Dr, your crazy!