Wednesday 5 December 2007

Don't they know the difference between a Singh and Kaur?

5 men answered Guru Ji’s call to give their heads. These men become Singhs once they received Amrit. Guru Ji then took amrit from the same 5 Singhs. It is five Singhs who have the right to give Amrit, this isn’t discrimination it is Sikh tradition. Off course it's going to be 5 Singhs who get this gift and duty because it was 5 Singhs who originally took the form of the Punj piare. 5 Singhs were given the form of Punj Piare by Guru Ji himself (so why are we changing a tradition started by Guru Ji). Mai Bhag Kaur Ji was a Sikh of high character, if any women were allowed to do Punj di sewa, she definitely would have been nominated by the sangat. In her History it is recorded that she was Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s personal body guard, but nowhere does it say that she did Punj di seva. The correct Physical form of the Punj Piare is five Singhs whether you like it or not! Don't be a doughnut! WAKE UP!

Can you Spot the Difference? (Laughter)