Tuesday 5 February 2008

AKAAL Organisation

Akaal Organisation meaning Acecess 2 Knowledge And Ambition 2 Learn has been set up in wolverhampton. It is based at Guru Nanak Gurdwara Sedgley Street, its aims are to provide the youth with all types of help and support in today fast moving modern world.

Activites run by the organisation:

Homework club
Classes for various subjects
dastaar tying classes
SIkh studies courses
IT classes
Sports activities - Football, Netball, Hockey, volleyball and basketball
Drug awarness workshops
Community welfare workshops
Sikhi Camps will be done four times a year
A general drop in centre for youth is open, where they can just chill, use internet etc
Daytrips are organised to build team work skills and unity
Sikh youth forum to discuss all sorts of issues
Self defence classes.

For more information contact: 07956281915