Monday, 11 February 2008

Serve the creation

Sikhi teaches us that God is present in all beings and creatures. If we serve the creation we show love towards the creator. When I go to my white mates houses their gardens have bird feeds where wild birds can feed from. But all my Punjabi mates have no such thing, a loaf of tesco value bread costs 31p. That is the same price as a chocolate bar, I urge all Punjabis to at least spend 31p a week and put out bread in your garden for the birds.

The Creator has created the creation of all sorts. Ang 250 Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

O my mind, meditate on the Lord of the Universe, the Lord, the Lord of the Universe, the Treasure of Virtue, the God of all creation. O my mind, chant the Name of the Lord, the Lord, the Eternal, Imperishable, Primal Lord God. ||1||Pause|| Ang 1202 Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

Considering creation as the form of the Creator he feels to be a sacrifice unto it. Bhai Gurdass var 3