Thursday 10 July 2008

US to build 'safer' cluster bombs?

The Pentagon is changing its policy on cluster bombs and plans to reduce the danger of unexploded munitions in the deadly explosives.

The policy shift, outlined in a three-page memo signed by US defence secretary Robert Gates, would require that after 2018, more than 99% of the bomblets in a cluster bomb must detonate.

Limiting the amount of live munitions left on the battlefield would lessen the danger to innocent civilians who have been killed or severely injured when they accidentally detonate the bombs.

Also, by next June, the Defence Department will begin to reduce its inventory of cluster bombs that do not meet the new safety requirements.

The new Defence Department plan comes more than a month after 111 nations, including many of America's key Nato partners, adopted a treaty outlawing all current designs of cluster munitions. The agreement also required that stockpiles be destroyed within eight years.

Opponents have complained that the Pentagon has moved too slowly to reduce the cluster munitions from its inventory.

Cluster bombs scatter hundreds of smaller explosives over a large area, where those bomblets can sit for years until they are disturbed and explode.

US leaders boycotted the May talks, as did Russia, China, Israel, India and Pakistan, all leading cluster bomb makers who cite the military value of the deadly explosives.

Unexploded cluster bomb!

Innocent Victims of this meanace

Frontline comments:

Every government don't mind killing innocents in war. Behind the scences of every war so many human rights abuses are happening but on TV a white picture is painted. Lets stop all countries from having nukes and weapons of mass destruction. Why is it ok for some to have them and not others?

If the only weapons were swords i'm sure there would be less wars. The Government officials declare war and relax at home.