Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Body Amour - The Gurus Teaching

Guru Hargobind Ji wearing shield and body amour!

In the world no one is invincible and everyone is at risk of getting attacked or murdered. The Sikh Gurus told the Sikhs to always be ready to protect themselves as it is kuljug and a lot of evil people have evil plans for others. The Gurus gave us shasters and taught us defensive techniques. The Guru themselves wore body amour and carried shields for protection.

There are Countless cut-throats and ruthless killers. Ang 4

However Gurbani (From SGGSJ) tells us, that no one can kill those who God protects.

No one can kill that one unto whom You, Lord, give Your Hand and protect. Ang 43

One who has you as his Saving Grace - who can kill him? Ang 961

No one can kill anyone who is saved by the Savior Lord. Ang 1070

Who can kill that person whom you protect, O Lord? Ang 1139

Banda Singh Bahadur wearing Body amour.

Modern day body amour:

Buy them from here:

The most value for money self defense knife ( get the 7inch blade)