Thursday 5 June 2008

Hard Kaur a Disgrace to Sikh Community

Her Skimpy dress sense, her lustful and enticing lyrics are a disgrace to the personalities of a real kaur. I know a lot of women have the name kaur and act in the same way, but this rapper is in the main stream. The bhesti (disgrace) she has given to the name blessed to us by Guru Gobind Singh Ji is way out of order and she should known better herself. To make a mockery out of the name given to us by Guru Ji and use it as a gimmick to fame is outrageous! They way she portrays herself as a Kaur is an insult to real Sikh women out there! How far will these people sell out and bring Sikhi down into their dirty lifestyle of the music industry, do what you want but just don’t bring Guru Ji’s blessed Sikhi into it.

A real Sikh women is modest, has self respect , moral and is a pure rightous living women. Not no slut that shows her flesh off to entice men on the TV.