Thursday 5 June 2008

In-depth look at Amrit sanchars

Amrit is a vital part and the start of a Sikhs journey to meet Wahguru. Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and 5 Singhs prepare Amrit and bless the devotee with Amrit. All the power of Amrit comes from Gurbani, the 5 Singhs form the physical form of the Guru. The Gurus light is also there in form of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Amrit can only be given by the Guru; Amrit does not belong to any jatha or person.

The lifestyle of the 5 Singhs should be of very high standard. (But we do have to keep in mind we cannot be with a person 24/7 so who knows what people do behind closed doors).

The power of Bani is transformed into the water and the light of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji shines on the bata (bowl) enriching it with purity and strength!

Therefore no matter what jatha is giving Amrit the Amrit is the same because the same Gurbani is read in the presence of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. When we look too deep into other things we forget all about the power of Guru Ji and focus on other humans (punj singhs, jatha) etc. It is the Gurbani that makes the Amrit. No matter where one has taken Amrit from, as long as it was taken in the presence of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and mixed with the Double edged sword, you have Gurus Amrit with in you!

Different jaths give different rehats, but my advice is to you, follow Gurbani which gives us Gurus rehat!