Monday, 3 December 2007
Kirpan the Amrit is for women, true/untrue?
To drink the ambrosial nectar of the khanda (Amrit) is the primary instruction for the Sikh. He who abandons all other initiations is truly a great Sikh.-Rehatnama- Bhai Desa Singh Ji-Amrit keertan
Drink the Amrit of the Khanda (double edged sword), and then your life becomes blessed.-Bhai Gurdas Singh Ji – A Scribe of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji. (Amrit keertan)
The Picture above shows the Original Khanda used by Sri Guru Gobind Singh to make Amrit.
What is the correct form of the MOOL MANTAR?
In Vaar 39, Bhai Sahib gives an explanation of the complete Mool Mantar, confirming that it ends with Nanak hosi bhi such :
English translation:
That homogenous supreme reality (God) first
was written as numeral one (in mool mantar)
and then He was inscribed as Ura syllable of
Gurmukhi, further pronounced as Oangkar.
Then He was called Satnam, the truth by name
Kartapurakh, the creator Lord, Nirbhau, the
fearless one, and Nirvair, without rancour. Then
emerging as the timeless Akal Moorat to be
called as unborn and self-existent. Realized
through the grace of the Guru, the divine
preceptor, the current of this primeval truth (God)
has continuously been moving since before the
beginning and throughout the ages. He is verily
the truth and will continue to be the truth forever.
The true Guru has made available (for me) the
glimpse of this truth. One who merging his
consciousness in the Word establishes a
relationship of Guru and disciple, only that
disciple devoting himself to the Guru and
progressing from worldliness attunes his
consciousness in and with the Lord.
of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, after Gurprasad there is
only two dhandis, whereas at the end of Nanak hosi bhi
such there are not only two dhandis but four dhandis
with the number 1 in between. What's the
significance of this? It shows clearly that the first pauri
(ie. the Mool mantar) ends at the four dhandis, i.e. at
Nanak hosi bhi such, and NOT at Gurprasad.
as follows:
Ik ongkar satnam gurprasad (2 times)
Ik ongkar satnam karta purakh gurprasad (9 times)
Ik ongkar satnam karta purakh nirbau nirvair akal murat ajuni saibhang gurprasad (33 times)
Ik ongkar satgur prasad (523 times)
Just like ik ongkar satgur prasad cannot be called Mool Mantar, ik ongkaar satnam karta purakh nirbau nirvair akal murat ajuni saibhang gurprasad too cannot be considered Mool Mantar - it is a Mangla Charan.
Gay Wedding offends Sikh Sentiments!
The above picture was taken from his website, this picture is not from the wedding day, but there are pictures from the wedding day where the gatra can be seen! I have included one below:
Was Gurbani read at this wedding? In the picture above you may see something that looks like a Senji Sahib (if it was any kind of Gurbani), it is a great disrespect to recite Gurbani to bless an unholy act as such as this.
So called Sikhs are present at the wedding! I feel a true Sikh should reject and oppose Homosexuality as being socially accepted. Everyone is entitled to their own private life, but should gays be allowed to marry, adopt or publicly perform their disturbing actions (if we do allow all this, what message are we sending to the kids. we need to tell our kids that homosexuality is a disturbing trend and wrong, it should not be made legitimate).
They look good in the Bana, but i wonder what they are drinking?
In the above picture, you will see how jazzy normally looks, why couldn't he have just got married like that?
If the Panth can't get a letter of apology from jazzy, we got no honour left!
If Gurbani was recited, we should get an apology from the people responsible too, its only right!
Where are all the Sikh organizations, no point doing parchaar if you ain't going to attack this great disrespect of the Sikh uniform and Gurbani. Someone please do something, on a diplomatic level. If we don't do something we will see a Gay wedding in a Gurdwara, or in the presence of Sri Guru Granth Sahib JI. Do nothing then, Nothing changes!
The Importance of Unity
Daya Singh asked: “Maharaj, what is this? Yesterday you fed rice to the deer and today to the dogs, what does this mean?
Maharaj said: “Singhs I have given you instructions for the times to come. If you act like the deer in a united manner, you will find satisfaction and success, but if you fight like the dogs did, you will get bloodied and beat up and will not get anything"
The Langar hall Crisis!
The above picture shows the traditional langar system, the Principles of Humility and humbleness can be seen in practice in this system.
The New Langar System, the Prinicples of Humility and humbleness are violated in this system. It is more of a restaurant atmosphere.
Conclusion: With tables and chairs the elements of humbleness and humility in the langar system are lost. Only by acting in a humble manner and showing humility is our ego destroyed. Ego keeps our soul, separated from the lord.