Wednesday, 9 July 2008

The 5 Stages

SriGuru Nanak Dev Ji tells us that there are five stages (Regions) which a mortal soul goes through; the last stage (5th) is the mortal soul merging back with the supreme soul (salvation)

The stages (regions are):

1:Daram Khand

2:Gian Khand

3:Saram Khand

4:Karam Khand

5:Sach Khand

Daram Khand: Region of realisting the spiritul duty

When the mortal with the grace of God realises that they should not waste their lives in sin, false pleasures and corruption. The mortal realizes that this is all a play of the almighty and the human from is their chance to achieve salvation. The mortal realizes that salvation is the ultimate and true goal everything else is false. The mortal realizes about Daram Raj- the God of justice, therefore the mortal fears to commit sin and achieve to commit pious deeds. The mortal realises that high or low status in the world is meaningless in the divinr court. The mortal puts their effort of obtianing divine knowledge.

Gian Khand: The region of divine knowledge

When the mortal mind begins detaching itself from worldly sinful pursuits, it thinks of spirital matters. This thinking inspires the mortal to serve others (humanity). He yearns to understand divine matters in a machanical way. Now the mortal gets pleasure in seeing the ultimate nature to god 's creation. The mortal's doubts vanish. The mortal gets supreme bliss: the worldly desires dwindle into insignificance.

Saram Khand:The region of spiritual beauty, wisdom and intution

When the mortal obtains divine knowledge, the mortal comes to understand the directions of the true Guru (Shabad Guru-Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji). He tries to put the Gurus direactions into practice i.e. practice the Guru's hukam (becoming gurmuhk). The mortal destroys previuos evil habits and instincts and moulds a new life of devotional worship. He gets up at Amrit Vela (1am -sunrise). The spiritual efforts infuse divine realisation and elevate his soul and wisdom. All this gives a new beauty to the mortal. Rhe mind, intellect and wisdom are purified and intuition of obtained.

Karam Khand:The region of divine grace

The mortal prays to and loves God. The mortal seeks the lord's grace. The divine grace is showered by gods will. Spiritual power and divine light appear with in the devotees frame. His mind remains absorbed in gods love and remembrence day and night. The mortal becomes totally detached from maya. The angel of death cannot appear approach the mortal. Supreme joy and bliss (nectar) constantly exits within.

Sach Khand:The region of truth

The final stage is reached the devotee is again absorbed into the creator. Births and deats are ended.

Home has been reached. The devotee won the game of life.




women gone crazy?

Have our girls gone crazy?

Dear editor,

I am not a women basher but this article is aimed at our women because they are mostly guilty of this offence. I go to the gurdwara to get peace of mind from the hectic world we live in. everyday we see women on the streets that have no self-respect. Their dress sense gives negative thoughts to my mind. The last place I expect to see tarts is in the gurdwara, but our girls forget that they our going to Guru Jis house and dress as if they were going clubbing to pull. The dress sense is so disgusting it’s like they are dressed to go and work in a brothel. They show-off all their assets as if they are attracting a brothel customer to pick them. Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji is our living guru, but obviously this doesn’t hit the mind of most girls who present themselves in front of guru ji dressed as slag’s. They walk in with their mums and dads; I wonder why the parents don’t tell them off. Because I wouldn’t get into the car if my daughter was dressed like that. You all know the type of women I am talking about; I think they should not be allowed to enter the gurdwara until they go home and change. Would Sri Guru Gobind Singh ji have allowed a woman with no shame, self respect and dignity (exposed dress sense) to bow to him? I can’t picture that, where has the honor of our women gone? It’s a disgrace, F****** slag’s. This goes out to all the women that are guilty of this offence

By annoyed youth from Ealing (west London)

Editor’s comments,

I agree that if someone attends the gurdwara dressed inappropriately, they should be barred entry until they reform their unacceptable dress code. If clubs can do it, why cant the house of Guru Ji. Guru Ji is the king of kings and we should dress in a sensible manner when we present ourselves in the court of Guru Ji. Girls who are guilty of this don’t get angry and all stubborn. Learn and improve. Take care!

Even when some women do wear modern Punjabi suits, they can still show a lot of flesh with low tops etc

Some women and gals, go to gurdwara, showing all there curves in outrageously tight jeans.

The Ramal Situation revisited.

Using Gurbani as a fashion symbol is an increasing trend amongst the Sikhs. Although the motive may have a good intention but the consequences of this action are not good. Every Sikh should hold Gurbani in high regards as it is the word of God transported to us by Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Therefore utmost respect is to be shown to Gurbani.

When we put Gurbani on Ramals we must remember that these ramals are kept squashed in a basket in which they are squashed to together. Then a person comes and puts them on there sweaty heads and then finally dashes them back in the basket before leaving. These ramals end up on the floor, on top of shoe racks ETC.

Is this holding Gurbani in high regards and respect?

  • What can we do, we can replace all these types of Ramals with plain coloured ramals.
  • Chat to the Gurdwara committee to stop making or allowing Gurbani ramals in the Gurdwara.
  • When we see one take it and cremate the ramal (dint just throw it in the bin).

It is all of our duty and every one must act in their own areas to change this current situation.

Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji gave us the Dastar, if you haven’t got a dastar wear a Ramal, but to wear a hat, cap or hoodie in a Gurdwara is totally wrong.

Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji said “Those who as a Sikh wear a hat will suffer 7 life forms of leprosy” Although this is a command to Amritdharis, all Sikhs should still respect this command in a Gurdwara Sahib.