Thursday, 6 December 2007

Meat Issue?

Bare People give their views about Meat; but what does Gurbani say:
You kill animals (living beings) and call it a righteous action (halal). Tell me brother what do you call an unrighteous action? You call yourself the most excellent sage (person of great wisdom) then who do you call a butcher? –Ang-1103- Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

If ones clothes are stained with blood; the garment becomes polluted; those who consume blood in the form of flesh (meat) how can their conscious be pure? -Ang-140-Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

The world eats dead carcasses, living by neglect and greed like goblins; or a beast, they kill and eat forbidden carcasses of meat. So control your urges or else you will be seized by the lord and thrown into the torture of hell. -Ang-723-Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

One (a person who eats meat); keeps fast in order to please Allah, But (under the urges to taste meat) they kill innocent helpless animals. He keeps in view only his selfish motive in the forefront. He does not care for the feelings of pain and suffering of the poor animals through his ruthless acts of killing. What good is his word? -Ang-483-Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

The butcher slaughters the goat and its meat is salted and strung on a skewer. Laughingly, the goat says while being killed “I have come to this condition while grazing aak plants”. But what will be the plight (fate/situation) of those who cut the throat and then eat the flesh of an animal? - Var 37, Pauri 21-Bhai Gurdas Ji

Kabeer; to use force is tyranny, even if you call it legal. When your account is called for in the court of the lord; what will your condition be then? Kabeer; the dinner of beans & rice is excellent; if it is flavoured with salt. Who would cut their throat; to have meat with their bread?-1374-Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

Kabeer, they oppress living Beings and kill them and call it proper. When the lord calls for their account; what will their condition be? Kabeer; it is tyranny to use force; the lord shall call you to account. When your account is called for; your face and mouth shall be beaten. -Ang-1375-Sri Guru Granth Ji

God has created vegetation (fruits, vegetable and etc), which sustain and maintain the human body. A true Sikh is not a cold hearted killer or murderer; therefore he/she doesn’t commit the crime of killing an innocent helpless animal (this is totally unjust). The act of slaughtering animals for their flesh is a cruel and brutal act, the person is known as a butcher (nasty word, when you think about it). A Sikh is at times a punisher (warrior) and does destroy the evil enemies to protect themselves or humanity. (This is totally justified by the Guru and is not seen as cold hearted murder). The flesh of the animal serves the purpose of transporting the soul of the animal, after death the flesh is known as a carcass (if the animal died naturally there is nothing wrong in using it to produce shoes, etc) but the act of eating the carcass is outrageous as the human stomach is not a graveyard to bury the dead. God did not intend for flesh to be consumed; eating flesh is going against the will of the lord.

The BBC just worked out now what the SP knew 20 years ago!

The scale of the problem of British girls being lured into prostitution in their own country is being examined by the Home Office.

A working group is being set up to examine "internal trafficking" of girls in their teens or younger. In some cases, girls as young as 10 are believed to have been groomed by youths pretending to be boyfriends. They are passed on and end up in prostitution. Campaigners said the authorities had been slow to react to the problem.

In a report seen by the BBC, the Home Office recommends that "the newly formed UK Internal Trafficking Group will seek to define the extent and nature of this phenomenon".
Home Office Minister Vernon Coaker confirmed it had commissioned work to examine internal trafficking. He said a film was also being made to be shown in schools to warn children of the dangers.

"There's work going on with prosecuting authorities to make sure they're aware of this issue and understand it and then there's work going on in communities to make sure that people are aware of this as a potential problem," he said.
"We also want to have services that protect and support victims as well."

Threats and beatings

The BBC has learned that internal trafficking follows a typical pattern in which a girl aged about 12 is approached and won over by a good-looking, well-dressed teenage boy.
He gives her jewellery, mobile phones and later drink or drugs, and pretends to be her boyfriend. Once under his spell, the girl is turned against her parents and persuaded to have sex with her boyfriend's older "uncles" or "friends" to pay him back for the money he has spent on her.

Gradually, she finds herself spending all her time with the older men who force her, often with violence, to work as a prostitute. Meanwhile, her original "boyfriend" is out targeting another young girl.

One victim Emma, which is not her real name, was targeted when she was 13.

"In schools we're always warned about a man in a white van, but we're never warned that someone nearly your own age could be targeting you to groom you for prostitution," she said.

Emma was too terrified to ask for help.

"They've threatened to rape my mum and make me watch," she said.
"Firebomb my house. Shoot me, shoot my family. They've threatened to do all sorts of things."

Parents 'bewildered'

Hilary Willmer, from the Coalition for the Removal of Pimping (Crop), said she had seen dozens of cases of internal trafficking. Ms Willmer said: "It can happen to any child from any family. The men, the gangs have all the experience. The children, the families and the parents are bewildered, don't know what's happening."

She welcomed the Home Office action, but said part of the problem was the law.
Once older than 13, a girl may be asked to give evidence in court against an attacker.
"In practice, unless the primary victim is prepared to give evidence then it's very difficult to make charges stick," Ms Willmer said.
"The men know this, so they often wait until the girls are 13 before actually having sex with them."
North Yorkshire Chief Constable Grahame Maxwell said many forces were aware of this problem and officers were now trying to piece together the national picture.
He said: "It is a very difficult crime to detect. We are talking about people who don't want to talk about things in the open.
"When they actually find out the extent to which the exploitation has been carried out on them, how much they have been abused, how much they've been forced to have sexual partners, it's a very difficult thing to come to terms with."

The UK Human Trafficking Centre (UKHTC) in Sheffield recently appointed a dedicated detective sergeant to work on internal trafficking cases. Nick Kinsella, head of the UKHTC, said the scale of the problem was unclear.

"The whole issue with trafficking is that it's a secret, covert crime and there's a great deal of control placed over the victims and so that's always difficult to break down irrespective of the age," he said.

Among the victims was 13-year-old Emma.

When she first fell in with a gang it seemed great. Emma had a new boyfriend who gave her jewellery and mobile phones, took her for drives and gave her alcohol and cannabis.
It seemed the height of teenage rebellion, but she did not realize the "gifts" were a way of controlling her. After a few weeks, Emma was introduced by her boyfriend to some older men.
It was quickly made clear she was expected to have sex with them.

"I don't think you realize until it's too late what's really happening. When you're only 13 and a child you don't see danger like you do when you're older," Emma said.

'So scared'

Soon Emma was spending all her time with the older "cousins", "friends" and "uncles".
She said: "There was one older man in particular who started to groom me and I used to have to do what he said or he'd hit me and stuff.
“I’d have to go and meet him or they'd threaten to bomb the house or kidnap me.
"I was so scared it got to where I felt it was better that I go and meet him even if I knew he was going to rape me."
Emma's involvement with the gang lasted a year and during that time she estimates she had sex with dozens of men. She also says she was not the youngest girl involved.
"I saw several other girls when I was in the flats used by the men. The youngest I saw was probably ten."

Emma feels she and the others were picked on because they were easy targets.
She said: "They always choose vulnerable girls.
"Obviously if you're streetwise you'll pick up on it, but if you're a bit sheltered and they buy you little things or take you to McDonalds when you're 12 or 13, then you're flattered by it because you're getting attention off someone.
"You feel as though they're your friend. They have nice clothes, nice cars, they're well groomed, so it looks as though they've got money."
Once under the men's control, she found it hard to break away.
"You've got no self-esteem or self-respect because they take that away from you.

"For someone to rape you [again and again] doesn't hurt as much as when they raped you the first time because you haven't got anything anyway. You feel that sex means nothing," she said.

'Starting from scratch'

Emma's experiences have affected her badly. It has taken her many hours of counseling to realize what happened was not her fault.
"I had depression for a long time. I was on medication and didn't want to go out of the house, didn't trust anybody. I always felt physically ill. I had no confidence or anything.
"It's like starting from scratch again."
No-one has ever been prosecuted in connection with what happened to Emma.
She is trying to get on with her life, but feels cheated of her youth.
"I was a straight-A student at school. All that changed. It took away my chance of getting A-levels and going to university.
"It took away my teenage years. I never had a teenage life."
We have changed Emma's name to protect her identity.
This article was taken from the BBC:

Frontline Punjab Youth Comments:

The rest of Britain has just woken up; the Sikhs have been dealing with this problem from 20 years ago. The SP was set up to counter attack the crimes committed by extremist Muslim gangs. Sikhs were the first targets, of this type of crime. Some Muslim men see the women of kaffirs as a piece of meat; they don’t care what they do to them. Even if they treat them good; it is just done to convert them. All the SP used to hear from the police in the 80's and 90's was,

"There is no law against this sort of crime, if it exists. But you are taking things into your own hands and you can't do that Mr Singh. We know it’s hard for you to believe that your daughter is seeing an older Muslim guy, but you have to come to terms with it Mr Singh. Mr Singh I know its all about honour in the Sikh community, but why are you saying your daughter is a victim of grooming"
But now because it’s happening to white girls they wake up. We salute all the original SP members who tackled this issue in the past. I bet the police feel gutted now, their thinking "we should have listened to Mr Singh" (Laughter)

Amritdharis going on a RAMPAGE!

There seems to be new trends in the UK were Amritdharis who aren’t married are dating other amritdharis and getting up to corruption. Sikhs are meant to have a high moral character full of self respect and dignity. Any physical activity before marriage is forbidden. This is forbidden because you as a couple have not committed to each other and made a promise to stay loyal in front of Guru Ji and the sangat. Most important of all you need to obtain Guru Ji’s blessings before starting a married life, that is a Sikh Principle So why are Amritdharis doing the below:

Holding hands and taking walks in the park!

Kissing in the cinemas!

Dancing like the couple from the film Greece in clubs!

It’s bad enough normal Punjabis get up to this stuff, but so called amritdharis should be an example! Amritdharis should not be checking each other or cheat on their partner; all this is corrupt!

Gurmat view:

The lustful, lecherous man desires many women, and he never stops peeking into the homes of others. Day after day, he commits adultery again and again, and then he regrets his actions; he wastes away in misery and greed.-Ang 672- Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

Others' wealth, others' wives, and the slander of others - renounce your craving for these.-Ang 379-Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

Chastity, truth and self-control are in the Sanctuary of the Lord. – Ang 1037 -Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

Chastity, truth and self-control come by practicing and living the Truth.-Ang 1067-Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

“when I was mature enough, satguru Sri Guru Teg Bahadur Ji gave me this teaching: Until the day you take your last breath, you must take this and never forget it. You must always keep respect for your wife. You must never go into another woman’s bed, even in your dream- Sri Dasam Granth Sahib- Ang 842

Be faithful to your one wife; see others as your daughters, sisters and mothers (Vice versa for women) -Vaar 6-Pauri 8- Bhai Gurdas Ji

Without having Anand Karaj those who have sexual relationships, listen O Sikh the Guru states: He/she is not my Sikh. Those Sikhs who fall for a woman/man other than their spouse will not receive the blessing of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji- Rehatnama-Bhai Nand Lal Ji aka Nand Singh

To have a sexual relation (any form of sexual activity) outside of marriage is a cardinal sin for an amritdhari. If the commitment you made to Guru Ji on the day you took your Amrit is broken; the Amrit is broken and one looses Guru Ji's blessings. The pure bond between Guru Ji and the Sikh is lost. One must go and seek forgiveness from the Panj Piare and retake Amrit to obtain Guru Ji's blessings again.

A lot of historians write a lot of slanderous history about Guru Ji; read the Gurbani and then you will be able to work out the character of Guru Ji. Sikhs are only supposed to have one wife! (If we were supposed to have more then one spouse why did god give us one sexual organ?) In the Islamic community having more than one wife seems to be common.