Friday, 21 December 2007

How melas disrespect Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji?

The R4G used to protest against the taking of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji to hotels and bars etc because it was a great disrespect. But Sikh organizations organize these melas; what is the difference between a mela and a hotel?

People smoke in the park.
People sneak in the drink.
People come to the funfair in the mela buzzing.
The people who set up the fun fair are buzzing and always smoke (ignoring the signs).
Islamic extremists wear Karas and target venerable Sikh girls.
Guys and girls are kissing and messing about. The dress sense is outrageous!
Fights break out over stupid things.
It is bhezti and takes the piss out of our community.
These melas bring shame and dishonour to the Sikh people.

All this in the presence of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji! What to we gain apart from wasting money which got be used for other causes.

Why just don’t they do a Nagar kirtan without the mela? Even if you want to have a Mela why have Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji in the park; were all these activities go on, it is a great disrespect! People that want to listen to Gurbani and kirtan will go back to Gurdwara. The people that just want to mess about will go to the mela. Why mix the two, last year innocent people got stabbed (at handsworth mela); have we still not learned?

The Kara is being used by our enemies!

The Kara is a symbol of Sikh identity; it is of great importance to the practising and even non-practising Sikhs. However they are so readily available in markets and other high street stores that the Kara has become a weapon for the enemies of Sikhs. Non Sikhs are buying them and using them as weapons to beat up Sikhs or deceive Sikh girls. They put on a Kara and use Sikh names in order to date Sikh girls who only date Sikh boys (we are not glorifying dating just mentioning a reality). This in turn can lead to other crimes; such as blackmail and rape upon these innocent victims of deception. There are predator cells of Islamic extremists that prey on Sikh girls and device them luring them into their vicious traps. These traps are made so much easier by the easy availability of the Kara. How stupid can the Sikh nation get, by providing a Sikh symbol as an effective tool to our enemies.

I think we should all concentrate on this issue, either high street shops ask for picture I.D or they stop selling Karas. It is up to the youth to tackle this issue, if you see this happen in your town, approach the shop keeper and tell them your concerns and ask them to stop selling them or tell them to ask for I.D. All internet shops should only sell Karas to payments recieved by Sikh Debit/credit cards.

Prevention is better than cure.
Don nothing then nothing changes.