The Sikh Flag is a saffron coloured triangular shaped cloth, in the middle is of the triangle is the Sikh insignia usually in blue or black. This flag is mounted on a long steel pole (which is also covered with a saffron cloth) headed with a Khanda. The Sikh flag is always seen near the entrance to a Gurdwara, standing firmly overlooking the whole building. Sikhs show great respect to the Nishan sahib as it is a symbol of their freedom and separate identity.
Sri Guru Hargobind Ji introduced the Nishan Sahib into Sikhi. The Sikhs used to take it to battle and wave it in times of victory as a salutation to Waheguru and his Army (the khalsa). The Nishan is high up at the sight of a Gurdwara this is so that the location of the Gurdwara can be seen from far. We ask Waheguru in our ardas everyday to forever keep the Nishan sahib fluttering high; this is because the Nishan Sahib represents the Sikhs sovereignty, the principles of fighting against injustice and feeding the poor. The colour saffron also represents sacrifice in Sikhi, therefore when a Sikh pays respects to the Nishan sahib they are reminded of all the sacrifices made by past Sikhs. Therefore a Sikh also asks Guru Ji to give them the same strength as past warriors who gave their lives for preserving truth and justice. The Khanda (double edged sword) on top Signifies divine justice and also reminds the Sikh of death. The Khanda therefore helps remind the Sikh to fight against oppression, help the weak and needy and makes them aware of death so they don’t get stuck in duality.
Hi people i talked Sikh Unit into giving me some of their unreleased material. Killa sent me them with a few words too. (I have Put the tunes up in this post, it may take a while for them to show up (9 TRACKS IN TOTAL) Killaz Statement: Sikh Unit has been finished for some time now, but we had a few things that were lying about and decided to put them on one CD. They are mainly small freestyles and a few talks about certain issues. The CD is called “The Unreleased Sagas”. I hope all the Sangat is cool and in chardi kala, keep doing whatever you doing for the Panth and keep your head up.
Unless you have taken amrit one cannot call themselves a true son or daughter of Sri Guru Gobind Singh ji. A person without having taken khande bata da amrit is like a stray dog in the city that has no owner. Taking of Amrit is giving your head to Guru Ji, if we have not done that yet, how can we call ourselves true Sikhs of Guru Ji.
To Drink the Ambrosial nectar of the Khanda is the primary instruction for the Sikh. They who abandon all other initiations are truly a great Sikh. – Bhai Desa Singh Ji Rehatnama
Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji said that taking of Khande bata the Amrit is the primary- rehat (code of conduct) for his Sikhs. Guru Ji was initiated with Amrit himself by the 5 beloved ones. If Guru Ji took amrit, why do we think we don’t need to? Unless we do not listen to Guru Ji we will not obtain salvation, our soul will keep coming and going. We will not escape the cycle of birth and death. However if we take Amrit and live a Gursikhi Jeevan we can obtain Guru Ji’s blessing and obtain our salvation (when our soul merges into the supreme soul (God)). So take Amrit and become the Singh’s and KAURS of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji. Become fearless warriors and warrior princesses. Take Amrit from the 5 Singhs and Change your life! Some people say why can’t a woman be apart of the 5, where’s the equality? Well this has nothing to do with inequality, 5 Singhs stood up and gave their head to Guru Ji from the Sangat (keep in mind women were also present in the sangat) from then on the duty and right to distribute Amrit was given to 5 Singhs! It is as simple as that, but these days people try to alter things to suit their own views, what right do we have to change things if Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji, stated 5 Singhs have the duty to distribute Amrit. If a woman stood up and gave her head, then things would have been different!
Offer your head and take Amrit by 5 Singhs, the code of conduct which they bless you with, should be enshrined within ones heart. Krith Bilaas Paathshahee Dasvee
Khande Di Pahul not only embodies the primary objects of Sikh faith and the promises connected therewith, but also is itself a promise to lead a pure and pious life to unite with Almighty Lord. It is about inward cleansing of the conscience and seeking unity with Supreme Lord through His Grace.
Contact for information on regular Amrit Sanchaars
Simply, getting initiation without practicing the proper way of life is of no use. Every neophyte is required to follow the set principles and Sikh concepts laid by the Gurus. Mere keeping of outer look will amount to show ritualistic tendencies and nothing else. The novice must be clean both from inside and outside.
Those who keep their hair but do not get initiated are faithless sinners. They will never receive my blessing. – Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji (Rehatnama Bhai Sahib Singh Jee)
There is jokers going around saying, “we do not need to take amrit” that is the biggest crap ever. Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji themselves took amrit, if Guru Ji took amrit, who are we or these jokers to say any different. We should be following in the footsteps of Guru ji, and not in the footsteps of the jokers today, who haven’t got a clue. If you desire salvation amrit is a MUST, there isn’t no two ways about this. Only by receiving amrit and following the teachings of Guru Ji is salvation achieved.
Below is a picture of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji taking amrit, how some jokers can say we don’t need to take amrit is beyond me.
Amrit transforms a person from a coward to a fearless warrior, and this has been proven in history. A sadho like madho das (Shaheed Banda Singh Bahadur) took amrit and went on to being a great Sikh warrior who fought the evil-oppressors and claimed a just rule for all.
Shaheed Bhai Sant Singh Ji came out of the fort to face a number of 125.000 enemy soldiers on his own- (WAHEGURU)
Any ordinary person is transformed into a saint soldier, Shaheed Baba deep Singh Ji at the age of 80, died fighting for the protection of our faith So. many Sikhs have fearlessly given their lives in battle and service due to the power of amrit and their gursikhi jeevan.
The angelic persons and silent sages search for the divine nectar, that nectar I have obtained from the true guru-ANG 918- Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
Take amrit prepared with the double edged sword, so that your life becomes successful and blessed. The khalsa adores the company of the holy beings, while the bystander is miserable. Hail! Hail! Guru Gobind Singh Ji who is both Guru and Disciple-Bhai Gurdas Singh Ji (a scribe of 10th Guru Ji)
Amrit is prepared by 5 Singh’s in the presence of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji; Amrit is the start of the journey to salvation. Get Guru Ji’s blessings, take amrit
We should all learn from the compassion of this man, all animals are Gods creation and the world is hunting them and killing them without any thought of guilt. Sikhs respect the cow because like a mother it provides us with milk. However we dont worship none but God (The Immortal soul) , while Hindus do worship the Cow.