Wednesday, 5 December 2007

What is the Tenth Gate?

People make this topic so complicated and confusing; most of the time they just go on and on, with out making any sense. They put their own views into their large essays. In a nutshell the tenth gate is a region within your head, if a Sikh follows Gurbani and lives according to Gurmat; in time the tenth gate is open and then one merges with the Lord (Supreme light). The tenth gate is opened with Guru Ji’s grace. Some yogis can force the tenth gate open with their yogic techniques of breath control, but they still see darkness, Waheguru does not reveal himself, because the yogi didn’t open the tenth gate through Guru Ji’s grace.

I will prove what I have said with Gurbani:

The body is the play-thing of the fickle and unsteady intellect It has nine doors, and then there is the Tenth Gate Reflect upon this and understand it, O wise one. Ang 152-Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
The nine doors being two eyes, two ears, two nostrils, mouth, anus and urethra.

The body is a bag with seventy-two chambers, and one opening, the Tenth Gate.-Ang 477-Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

Says Kabeer, the nine openings of the body are being plundered; rise up to the Tenth Gate, and discover the true essence-Ang 339-Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

These nine are plundered by negativity, but if we listening to Guru Ji and obtain his grace we can get rid of negativity and reach the tenth gate.

The hard and heavy doors of the Tenth Gate are closed and locked. Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, they are thrown open. In the Tenth Gate, the Primal Lord, the unknowable and infinite dwells; the unseen Lord reveals Himself.-Ang- 1033 Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, he burns away his anger He dwells in the Tenth Gate, immersed in the Samaadhi of deep meditation touching the philosopher's stone, he obtains the supreme status.-Ang 411-Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
Beyond the nine gates, the Tenth Gate is found, and liberation is obtained. The Unstruck Melody of the Shabad vibrates.-Ang 110-Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

The fortress of the body has nine gates; the tenth gate is kept hidden. The rigid door is not open; only through the Word of the Guru's Shabad can it be opened The unstruck sound current resounds and vibrates there. The Word of the Guru's Shabad is heard-Ang 954-Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

Through the Gurdwara, the Guru's Gate, some are blessed with loving faith, and the Tenth Door is revealed to them.-Ang 922-Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

Through the Tenth Gate, the stream of nectar flows; take your bath in this.-Ang 727-Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

This is done by waking up at amritvela to do Simran, doing your nitnem, seva, charity, living truthfully, reading Gurbani and being righteous etc

From the Sky of the Tenth Gate, the Ambrosial Nectar trickles down.-Ang 153-Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

The Tenth Gate is the home of the inaccessible, infinite Supreme Lord.-Ang 974-Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

The above is the Gursikhs way of true yoga and the way to open the tenth gate. Like I said before some yogis can open the tenth gate, but they still see darkness:

What Yoga does he practice by having matted and tangled hair? If the mind is not pure, what use is it to hold the breath at the Tenth Gate?-Ang 1169-Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

The Yogi draws the breath upwards, and opens the Tenth Gate He practices inner cleansing and the six rituals of purification. But without the Lord's Name, the breath he draws is useless. The fire of the five passions burns within him; how can he be calm? The thief is within him; how can he taste the taste? One who becomes Gurmukh conquers the body-fortress.-Ang 905-Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

Inner cleansing techniques, channeling the energy to raise the Kundalini to the Tenth Gate inhaling, exhaling and holding the breath by the force of the mind - by empty hypocritical practices, Dharmic love for the Lord is not produced. Only through the Word of the Guru's Shabad is the sublime, supreme essence obtained. -Ang 1043-Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

Gursikhi is the true form of yoga, some Sikhs do basic yoga as a form of exercise to keep the body healthy (which is good). But to go too deep and dwell in yoga is a waste of time as Gurbani tells us.
A picture of a yogi

Don't they know the difference between a Singh and Kaur?

5 men answered Guru Ji’s call to give their heads. These men become Singhs once they received Amrit. Guru Ji then took amrit from the same 5 Singhs. It is five Singhs who have the right to give Amrit, this isn’t discrimination it is Sikh tradition. Off course it's going to be 5 Singhs who get this gift and duty because it was 5 Singhs who originally took the form of the Punj piare. 5 Singhs were given the form of Punj Piare by Guru Ji himself (so why are we changing a tradition started by Guru Ji). Mai Bhag Kaur Ji was a Sikh of high character, if any women were allowed to do Punj di sewa, she definitely would have been nominated by the sangat. In her History it is recorded that she was Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s personal body guard, but nowhere does it say that she did Punj di seva. The correct Physical form of the Punj Piare is five Singhs whether you like it or not! Don't be a doughnut! WAKE UP!

Can you Spot the Difference? (Laughter)

Want to come to a Singhs fancy dress party?

Before I start this topic I want to say this is not intended for the really young Singhs who wear the Bana, I am proud that they are excited about Guru Ji’s uniform. This is intended for the 18 years and over. Every kirtan programme you go to you will see Singhs dressed to kill! Bare swords, Shahsters out the Dumallas etc. If you ask these Singhs to come to a protest tomorrow their reply is “It’s all about our own jeevan, we need to become a Sant first”

So why are they dressed as Guru Ji’s soldiers if they are going to give that attitude! A singh is apart of the Khalsa army, there is no room for cowardice in a Singhs mentality. Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji used to send his young sons (sahibzadas) to rescue Hindu women from the Mughals (who wanted to use them as sex slaves). The day you take Amrit and wear the Kirpan you take a vow to be a soldier of humanity. There is Little Black boys in the hood, who die for their principles. If they get skanked for 10 pound they are ready to die for their cause. Yet we are slack to defend Sikh principals in a peaceful protest. Singhs gave their lives; we aren’t even wiling to risk a speed ticket for the Panth. In 84 so many Singhs entered the movement knowing that it means all there family will be wiped out. That is a real Singh, if you are going to look the part, be it from the heart otherwise it’s just a fancy dress!

Not Intended for my young brothers! awwwwwwwww so cute! (He is packing too, damn)

You see Bare Singhs dressed in the same way as the above two pictures in all UK kiratn programmes, but never see them same people at a Protest! I can ask all my Mona friends and family to come and they do. Because they are ready to risk more for the Panth, even if they aren't practicing Sikhi themselves.

Bare waffle about Amrit-Vela!

There are a lot of so-called scholars who are saying that you do not need to rise in the early hours of the morning to remember God. They say that it is a ritual to do so, because whenever you remember God, that time is special and accepted. Yeah it is true that when ever you remember God it is special, But Gurbani also tells us the importance of Amrit-vela:

If you do not awaken in the early hours before dawn you are dead even though your body is breathing and alive. Ang-1383-Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

The immaculate, scared pool of the Guru is overflowing with the waves of the shabad, radiantly revealed in the early hours before dawn. Ang-1405-Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

In the fourth watch of the early morning hours, a longing arises in their higher consciousness. They are attuned to the river of life; the true name is in their mouths and lips. The ambrosial nectar is distributed and those with good karma receive this gift, their bodies become golden and take the colour of spirituality. Ang-146 -Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

One who calls himself a Sikh of the true Guru, should rise early in the morning hours and mediate on the lords name. Upon rising early the Sikh baths and cleans them selves in the pool of nectar (nam). Ang-305-Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

A Sikh of the Guru; wakes up at Amritvela recites Gurbani and meditates on God. A devoted Sikh shouldn't even eat breakfast until they have done their Punj Banis (apart of Nit-nem) in the morning. This shows that Spiritual food is more important then physical food, Guru Ji, says "What is the point of living if you don't worship the Lord"

What are you going to be?

A Sikh of Guru Ji or a Sikh of a waffler scholar?

Why the Sikhs do Simran?

Simran (remembrance) is known as the repetition of the Gurmantar. The Gurmantar is “WAHEGURU” meaning wondrous lord. The Gurmantar is like a magic potion to the Sikhs, which cures all illnesses in this Dark Age. The Gurmantar was given to the Sikhs by Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji as a medicine to cure the Sikhs from the diseases of Kaljog (Dark age). We have an inner battle with our mind; our mind distracts us from the truth. Simran weakens the power of the mind and keeps you intact with truth.

To cleanse and purify the body we would have a bath, in the same way simran is the bathing of the soul. Simran cleans dirt from within, for example: sins, bad deeds and bad karma. Simran burns these away like hay on fire. Simran purifies the mind and soul, therefore you have less sinful thoughts and this leads to less sinful deeds.

Simran helps us control the mischievous mind, which is subject to Maya (worldly desires), lust, attachment, ego, greed, hate, jealousy, slander, and all sorts of other negative things. In time with Guru Ji's blessing the soul becomes purer and one is liberated from the cycle of life and death (reincarnation).

Simran makes your soul become fearless, therefore as a saint soldier Simran is a important part of the daily routine. Without simran Sikhs would not have been able to bare tortures, imprisonment and death without any sign of fear. Sikhs fought without fear against all odds and with Guru Ji’s help came out victorious on a number of occasions.

Seva (selfless service), Simran, good deeds and truthful living are all essential ingredients that will help our soul get salvation (our soul merging back with the supreme soul-God)

So when you do simran close your eyes and concentrate on your soul and think “Guru Ji please clean me and help me get closer to God”. Please burn away my sins waheguru! We should be doing as much simran as we can, go to the Gurdwara simran sessions. Simran at amritvela is so important, Guru Ji, says whoever don’t do simran at amritvela has no chance of liberation.

Some people may not be able to read Gurbani, but there are no excuses for Simran. So lets all unite, organize simran sessions in your university, homes and local gurdwaras.

His Guru-mantar is Vahiguru, whose recitation erases egotism. -Bhai Gurdaas Ji Vaar-13

The Holy Saint has shown me the Way to the Lord; I chant the GurMantra.-
Ang 321- Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

One who is blessed with the medicine of the GurMantra, the Name of the Lord, O servant Nanak, does not suffer the agonies of reincarnation.
-Ang 1002-Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

While walking and sitting, sleeping and waking, contemplate within your heart the GurMantra.-
Ang 1006-Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

The poison of corruption is flowering forth in the four directions; I have taken the GurMantra as my antidote. Ang 1209-Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji