Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Muslim rapper doing sick parchaar for his religion - Shows how powerful music can be

If A sikh done this his own brothers would condemn him man, we are too narrow minded thats why we have been left behind man.

alot of black youth are converting to islam from jail etc, the missionary work of muslims is something to be looked up to, we as sikhs are fidning it hard to get our own youth into sikhi, cos our brains are in planet pluto, religious sikhs are known as weirdos and put normal punjabis off sikhi. Sikhi is a missionary religion too, if you find a good think you must share it, so we all need to hit parchaar we are 10 steps behind man

New Singhrow Documentary "lifestyle of a warrior"

New Singhrow Documentary "threats to our youth"

New Singhrow Documentary on Drugs