Monday, 31 December 2007

Martail arts teacher betrays Sikh nation

Nidder Singh is the one in Blue

Niddar Singh teaches Sikh martial arts called shaster vidiya (knowledge of weapons). A lot of people are attracted by this because the Sikhs have a martial tradition and martial spirit flowing with in their blood. Taking advantage of this; this anti-panthic rat teaches a lot of messed up things to his students.

Anti Sikh teaching by this teacher:

It is cool to eat meat
It is cool to consume weed
Sikhs are a Hindu army
It is ok to worship idols
Sikh women can cut their hair
Sikhs asking for freedom are clowns

This teacher reckons himself and out of his ego challenged people to fight him, however he has turned a lot of offers down. (He must have been high on weed when he made the challenge)

He says he is a warrior and has killed 12 people in India due to self defence. He reckons people have hits on him.

But the truth is that every one sees him as a Wally and clown. When ever his name is mentioned people laugh. No one has even spent £1 pound to prank call him (let alone thousands on a HIT)
He is a imposter and a disgrace to the nihangs and the Gurus Bana.
Whos going to put a hit on a clown?

I mean his little crew got beaten up and went to police, the little rats. They act hard start trouble and when the drink wears off they run to police when someone defends themselves the Muppets.

Niddar Singh And his crew

Anyway Niddar Singh aka Gidder ting is a waffler and we advice all parents to stop sending their children to his classes to keep them safe from his waffle.

Idol worshipping with in the Panth

The Pictures of the Guru have the following benefits:

When viewing them they remind us of our Gurus and their deeds
They act as an inspiration
They help as a visual aid when explaining Sikh history
They make it easier to remember Sikh history as a picture sticks to mind more than words.

However a lot of people have gone OTT and started worshiping pictures; like the Hindus worship an Idol.

Some people wake up and bow down to pictures.
Some people prepare prashad and stick it on the lips of the Guru on the pictures.
Some people get incense (doof) and wave it around a picture while doing paht

At Niskham Gurdwara (Soho road) some people bow down to a chair of past saints. (That is a form of idol worshiping)

When the Guru’s were in Human form Sikhs used to bow to the light of Guru Nanak that was present within all the Guru’s. Now Gurship has being given to Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji a Sikh must only bow to Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. A real saint is full of humility and will not allow people to bow to him/her. A real saint puts all focus towards Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Showing respect to elders by touching knees or feet is different but bowing down to others is a no go zone for a Sikh.

First Mehla:
The Hindus have forgotten the Primal Lord; they are going the wrong way
As Naarad instructed them, they are worshipping idols. They are blind and mute the blindest of the blind. The ignorant fools pick up stones and worship them. But when those stones themselves sink, who will carry you across?
ANG 556 Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

If the Lord Allah lives only in the mosque, then to whom does the rest of the world belong?
According to the Hindus, the Lord's Name abides in the idol, but there is no truth in either of these claims. O Allah, O Raam, I live by Your Name Please show mercy to me, O Master.
ANG 1349 Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

Kabeer, some buy idols and worship them; in their stubborn-mindedness, they make pilgrimages to sacred shrines. They look at one another, and wear religious robes, but they are deluded and lost. ANG 1371 Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

Once there was a jatt (farmer), he was illiterate and had no knowledge of God or any form of education; he was made to believe that god was a stone. Dhanna ji put food in front of a stone, obviously a stone is not going to eat food. Seeing this Dhanna ji was upset as he thought God was upset. He decided not to eat until God had eaten the food. God showed himself through a stone to Bhai dhanna Ji. The sakhi is in Bhai Gurdas Ji’s vaars. I have written it below:

A brahman would worship gods (in the form of stone idols) where Dhanna used to graze his cow.

On seeing his worship, Dhanna asked the brahman what he was doing “Service to the Thakur (God) gives the desired fruit,” replied the brahman.

Dhanna requested, “O brahman, if you agree kindly give one to me.” The brahman rolled a stone, gave it to Dhanna and thus got rid of him.

Dhanna bathed the Thakur and offered him bread and buttermilk. With folded hands and falling at the feet of the stone he begged for his service to be accepted Dhanna said, “I will also not eat because how can I be happy if you are annoyed.”

(Seeing his true and loving devotion) God was forced to appear and eat his bread
and buttermilk. In fact, innocence like that of Dhanna makes the sight of the Lord available

Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji writes:

The Lord of the Universe met him personally; Dhanna was so very blessed. ANG 488 Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

Dhanna became a devotee of Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji, His Bani was included in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji:

One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

I wandered through countless incarnations, but mind, body and wealth never remain stable.

Attached to, and stained by the poisons of sexual desire and greed, the mind has forgotten the jewel of the Lord.

The poisonous fruit seems sweet to the demented mind, which does not know the difference between good and evil.

Turning away from virtue, his love for other things increases, and he weaves again the web of birth and death.

He does not know the way to the Lord, who dwells within his heart; burning in the trap, he is caught by the noose of death.

Gathering the poisonous fruits, he fills his mind with them, and he forgets God, the Supreme Being, from his mind.

The Guru has given the wealth of spiritual wisdom; practicing meditation, the mind becomes one with Him.

Embracing loving devotional worship for the Lord, I have come to know peace; satisfied and satiated, I have been liberated.

One who is filled with the Divine Light, recognizes the undeceivable Lord God.

Dhanna has obtained the Lord, the Sustainer of the World, as his wealth; meeting the humble Saints, he merges in the Lord. ANG 487 Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji