Chaman Lal organizes pro-RSS function with chairs in front of Guru Granth Sahib
Vedanti and others attend function, accept gifts depicting Hindu Deities
The Prerna organization was created by the RSS with one thing in mind: To blend, muddle and taint Sikh practices and ceremonies into the folds of Brahmanism.
One of the promoters of Prerna is an individual associated with the company MDH (a worldwide spice manufacturer) who is also the key promoter and advertiser of 'Sacchi Sikhsha', the official monthly magazine and the daily 'Saach Kahoon' of the Gurmit Ram Rahim Sacha Sauda Cult.
How can our Jathedars and Singh Sahibs even attend functions where chairs are placed in front of Guru Granth Sahib Ji? Why did they not protest the placement of Hindu images plastered across the venue?
We have come a long way from the days of Akali Phoola Singh Jee who stood up to the emporer of the Khalsa Raj, Maharaja Ranjit Singh, and ordered him 50 lashes punishment. Now our "Jathedars"--who are such only in name--run around like leashed puppies in the hands of their Hindu masters.
They have forgotten the sacrifices made a century ago, the Sikhs who gave their lives to free Darbar Sahib from Brahman Mahants who put up their idols in the holy shrine. This is the agenda of terrorists like the RSS who know Sikhs would never allow them to take Darbar Sahib and install their idols. Instead, they brainwash Sikhs and whitewash history until the Sikhs themselves install the idols for them!
Jathedars are supposed to represent the Panth, they do not command it, they are servants of the Guru. When a Jathedar no longer serves the Panth or the Guru they are no longer a Jathedar. While these puppets, who were installed by the Government with the support of Hindu supremacists, are called Jathedars in name, they are truly traitors to their position and to the Sikh Panth worldwide.
Wake up! It is time to out these frauds! the Sikh Panth should be run by Sikhs for Sikhs, independent of any government or the interference of another religion pushing its beliefs on us.
We don't need a Jathedar who one day is worshipping at the tomb of a dead Saadh, the next day helps hand out images of Hindu deities under a banner of Ram Chander and the next is busy at the feet of the Chief Minister.