Niddar Singh teaches Sikh martial arts called shaster vidiya (knowledge of weapons). A lot of people are attracted by this because the Sikhs have a martial tradition and martial spirit flowing with in their blood. Taking advantage of this; this anti-panthic rat teaches a lot of messed up things to his students.
Anti Sikh teaching by this teacher:
It is cool to eat meat
It is cool to consume weed
Sikhs are a Hindu army
It is ok to worship idols
Sikh women can cut their hair
Sikhs asking for freedom are clowns
This teacher reckons himself and out of his ego challenged people to fight him, however he has turned a lot of offers down. (He must have been high on weed when he made the challenge)
He says he is a warrior and has killed 12 people in India due to self defence. He reckons people have hits on him.
But the truth is that every one sees him as a Wally and clown. When ever his name is mentioned people laugh. No one has even spent £1 pound to prank call him (let alone thousands on a HIT)
He is a imposter and a disgrace to the nihangs and the Gurus Bana.
Whos going to put a hit on a clown?
I mean his little crew got beaten up and went to police, the little rats. They act hard start trouble and when the drink wears off they run to police when someone defends themselves the Muppets.
Niddar Singh And his crew
Anyway Niddar Singh aka Gidder ting is a waffler and we advice all parents to stop sending their children to his classes to keep them safe from his waffle.