Guru Gobind Singh Ji and Deg Tegh Fateh
In Krishna Avtar (Bani of the Guru Gobind Singh Ji), Guru Gobind Singh Ji says: “May the Kitchen and the Sword prevail in the world”. It is obvious that the Guru ordained the kitchen to feed the poor and the sword to teach the tyrant should go hand-in-hand. Deg and Teg are Persian words, meaning the kettle and the sword respectively. Deg literally means a cooking-pot. It symbolically stands for the free kitchen or Langar; whereas Teg or the sword represents dignity and power. Deg to feed the poor and the stranger, regardless of caste and religion. Teg, the sword, to destroy the oppressor of humanity and protect the oppressed. Hence Deg and Teg are symbols of service and power.

"They who dwelt on His Name; shared their earnings with others, wielded the sword in the holy war, and distributed food in companionship from the pot, remember their glorious deeds and utter: Glory be to God". Part of daily Sikh prayers, the ardass
"I bow with love and devotion to the Holy sword. Assist me that I may complete this work. Thou art the Subduer of countries, the destroyer of the armies of the wicked, in the battle field, Thou greatly adormest the brave. -Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji
"There is only one God. By the favour of the glorious God. Guru Gobind Singh received from Guru Nanak hospitality (Deg) and valour (Teg), victory and success undoubted. May the exalted Immortal Being stretch a helping hand." "May victory attend the Pot and the Sword." Meaning: 'May our charity and our Arms be victorious.' "Deg Teg Fateh”-Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji
“O Lord, grant me this very boon, That I may never evade doing righteous deeds; That when I go to fight my enemy, Let not fear enter my heart; So that I may make my victory certain, And I instruct my own mind on this, That I may ever desire to sing your praise; And when the span of life reaches its end, I may die valiantly in the thick of the holy war."-Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji