Falsehood brings dishonour!
The only truth in this world is the Naam (Gurbani) everything else is just a false mirage. If one spends their life trapped in the sensual mirage they will not find God. They are trapped in falsehood, however if one follows the instructions of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji they will avoid falsehood and then come to see the lord of all.
The Great Giver has given the intoxicating drug of falsehood. Ang 15 SGGSJ
God has himself made falsehood apart of his game, the losers of this game indulge in falsehood while the winners obtain the truth and see passed this deception of desire.
If you long for your Husband Lord, O soul-bride, you must know that He is not met by falsehood. Ang 17 SGGSJ
Those who practice falsehood are dogs; those who slander the Guru shall burn in their own fire. Ang 21 SGGSJ
The Gurmukhs do not like falsehood. They are imbued with Truth; they love only Truth. Ang 22 SGGSJ
The true Sikhs don’t indulge in lust, drugs and other worldly pleasures they are intoxicated with the Naam.
Practicing falsehood again and again, people come and go in reincarnation, and forfeit their honor. Ang 23 SGGSJ
The self-willed manmukhs do not obtain the Mansion of the Lord's Presence. The false are plundered by falsehood. Ang 34 SGGSJ
By falsehood and deception, none have found Him. Whatever you plant, you shall eat. Ang 40 SGGSJ
They are engrossed in clinging desires; within their hearts there is ego and falsehood. Ang 47 SGGSJ
If the mind is polluted, then the body is polluted, and the tongue is polluted as well. With false mouths, people speak falsehood. How can they be made pure? Without the Holy Water of the Shabad, they are not cleansed. From the True One alone comes Truth. O soul-bride, without virtue, what happiness can there be? The Husband Lord enjoys her with pleasure and delight; she is at peace in the love of the True Word of the Shabad. When the Husband goes away, the bride suffers in the pain of separation, like the fish in shallow water, crying for mercy. As it pleases the Will of the Husband Lord, peace is obtained, when He Himself casts His Glance of Grace. Praise your Husband Lord, together with your bridesmaids and friends. The body is beautified, and the mind is fascinated. Imbued with His Love, we are enraptured. Adorned with the Shabad, the beautiful bride enjoys her Husband with virtue. The soul-bride is of no use at all, if she is evil and without virtue. She does not find peace in this world or the next; she burns in falsehood and corruption.Coming and going are very difficult for that bride who is abandoned and forgotten by her Husband Lord. The beautiful soul-bride of the Husband Lord-by what sensual pleasures has she been doomed? She is of no use to her Husband if she babbles in useless arguments. At the Door of His Home, she finds no shelter; she is discarded for seeking other pleasures. The Pandits, the religious scholars, read their books, but they do not understand the real meaning. They give instructions to others, and then walk away, but they deal in Maya themselves. Speaking falsehood, they wander around the world, while those who remain true to the Shabad are excellent and exalted. There are so many Pandits and astrologers who ponder over the Vedas. They glorify their disputes and arguments, and in these controversies they continue coming and going. Without the Guru, they are not released from their karma, although they speak and listen and preach and explain. They all call themselves virtuous, but I have no virtue at all. With the Lord as her Husband, the soul-bride is happy; I, too, love that God. O Nanak, through the Shabad, union is obtained; there is no more separation. Ang 55 SGGSJ