Those contented souls who meditate on the Lord with single-minded love, meet the True Lord. The Gurmukhs train their minds to contemplate the Lord, the Supreme Soul. SGGSJ ANG 18
O mind, swim across, by focusing your consciousness on the Shabad. SGGSJ ANG 19
O my mind, earn the profit, before you return home. SGGSJ ANG 20
Forgetting the Beloved, even for a moment, the mind is afflicted with terrible diseases. How can honor be attained in His Court, if the Lord does not dwell in the mind? SGGSJ ANG 21
Within the mind are emeralds and rubies, the Jewel of the Naam, treasures and diamonds. O mind, become Gurmukh, and extinguish the fire (evil desires) within. SGGSJ ANG 22
By dealing their deals of falsehood, their minds and bodies become false. O Nanak, instruct your mind through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, and praise the Lord. SGGSJ ANG 23
The defect of the body which leads to sin is the mud puddle, and this mind is the frog, which does not appreciate the lotus flower at all. SGGSJ ANG 24
I serve my True Guru with single-minded devotion, and lovingly focus my consciousness on Him.The True Guru is the mind's desire and the sacred shrine of pilgrimage, for those unto whom He has given this understanding. The blessings of the wishes of the mind are obtained, and the fruits of one's desires. Meditate on the Name, worship the Name, and through the Name, you shall be absorbed in intuitive peace and poise. O my mind, drink in the Sublime Essence of the Lord, and your thirst shall be quenched. Those Gurmukhs who have tasted it remain intuitively absorbed in the Lord. Those who serve the True Guru obtain the Treasure of the Naam. Deep within, they are drenched with the Essence of the Lord, and the egotistical pride of the mind is subdued. The heart-lotus blossoms forth, and they intuitively center themselves in meditation. Their minds become pure, and they remain immersed in the Lord; they are honored in His Court. Those who serve the True Guru in this world are very rare.Those who keep the Lord enshrined in their hearts subdue egotism and possessiveness. I am a sacrifice to those who are in love with the Naam.Those who attain the Inexhaustible Name of the Infinite Lord remain happy throughout the four ages. Meeting with the Guru, the Naam is obtained, and the thirst of emotional attachment departs.When the mind is permeated with the Lord, one remains detached within the home of the heart.I am a sacrifice to those who enjoy the Sublime Taste of the Lord.O Nanak, by His Glance of Grace, the True Name, the Treasure of Excellence, is obtained. SGGSJ ANG 28
Serve your True Lord and Master, and you shall be blessed with true greatness.By Guru's Grace, He abides in the mind, and egotism is driven out. This wandering mind comes to rest, when the Lord casts His Glance of Grace. O Siblings of Destiny, become Gurmukh, and meditate on the Name of the Lord.The Treasure of the Naam abides forever within the mind, and one's place of rest is found in the Mansion of the Lord's Presence. The minds and bodies of the self-willed manmukhs are filled with darkness; they find no shelter, no place of rest. Through countless incarnations they wander lost, like crows in a deserted house. Through the Guru's Teachings, the heart is illuminated. Through the Shabad, the Name of the Lord is received. In the corruption of the three qualities, there is blindness; in attachment to Maya, there is darkness. The greedy people serve others, instead of the Lord, although they loudly announce their reading of scriptures.They are burnt to death by their own corruption; they are not at home, on either this shore or the one beyond. In attachment to Maya, they have forgotten the Father, the Cherisher of the World.Without the Guru, all are unconscious; they are held in bondage by the Messenger of Death.O Nanak, through the Guru's Teachings, you shall be saved, contemplating the True Name. SGGSJ ANG 30