Friday, 18 July 2008

Please send, distribute and post to all punjabi off-licences

This is the duty of every one, if the panth nation wide work as a team we might be able to peacefully change the daily disrespects committed by apna off-licence owners. please pay your part, look in the Sikh0directory and cover your local area and other local shops you know about. If you dont want to reveal your ID to your relative off-licence owners stick it on there shatters with blue tack when they are closed!

Dear Shop keeper

First of all I thank you for your time taken to read this letter. This letter is intended to educate you in keeping the respect and honour of Sikhi high in correspondence to your work/business premises. Sikhi teaches a way of life that is pure and righteous. The sins of alcohol and tobacco are clearly condemned in the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. The use of intoxicants is seen as a worldly pleasure which deludes the mind and ones whole body becomes polluted and corrupted. In reality a person of the Sikh faith should avoid selling these poisons to others as a way of earning. But that is another subject I am writing to you because I am appalled at the fact that some people have put the following Sikh symbols in their off-licences:

  • Pictures of the Sikh Gurus
  • Gurbani quotes (shabads) such as Ik-Onkaar
  • Khandas the insignia of Khalsa army

This is total disrespect to Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and the Sikh nation as it portrays them in the wrong way.

The Pictures of the Gurus are meant for inspiration and act as a visual aid to remember the Sikh history. They are meant to be in books, Gurdwaras and the houses of Sikhs. To promote a business of sin is not a place for them.

Gurbani is meant for our salvation, it is not a fashion symbol. Gurbani is the Guru and the Guru is Gurbani there is no difference between the two. The Guru would not sit in an off-licence and promote intoxication, so why do we put Gurbani stickers etc in our off licences?

The Khanda represents the sacrifices made by the Khalsa army in defending truth and justice. It also represents deep spiritual meanings of the Sikh faith. It is outrageous that people are using it as a symbol of pride (proud of their business of vices)

This is a humble request from members of the Sikh Sangat that if any off the above disrespects (offences) are going on in your premises could you please remove the relevant items.

Thank you very much.

One person brings a full bottle, and another fills the cups. Drinking the alcohol, their intelligence departs, and madness enters their mind. Ang-554 SGGSJ

Drinking in this wine one takes on countless sins and corruptions. Ang-553 SGGSJ

Kabeer, those mortals who consume marijuana (intoxicants for pleasure), fish (meat) and wine (alcohol), no matter what pilgrimages, fasts and rituals they follow they will go to hell. Ang- 1377 SGGSJ

Tobacco is a killer that even the horse of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji refused to cross over a tobacco filed. Tobacco brings nothing but disease and misery.

Print this out and do your part