Thursday, 12 February 2009

Can Amritdharis be Gay?

What is the Sikh attitude to homosexuality?

Sikh believe in following the laws of nature. God has created everything in opposites in his divine laws. We have day and night, man and women, water and fire, life and death etc. Sikh also believe reproduction is a necessary part of Gods will. Infact any sexual activity other then to reproduce is seen as a lustful deed and is unlegitamate. Even animals reproduce. Sikhs see homosexuality as a corrupt desire of the mind therefore it is not permitted within the Sikh faith. Even on a magnet the north and north of another magnet repel but the opposite south filed will stick to the north field.


Whether homosexual inclinations, tendencies and behaviour are natural or not does not hold any weight when discussing Gurmat (the Guru's teachings). It is possible that urges, inclinations and desires may be natural to some, but in Gurmat a Sikh is not supposed to act upon or follow on all urges of sexual desire/lust (or any other vice).

"(In the world) everyone acts according to the inclinations of the mind. (But the one who remembers and meditates on the Lord's name doesn't follow the inclinations of the mind, instead with the blessings of Naam becomes) the image of the Creator Lord and remains in a state free of fear" (Ang 1167 SGGSJ)

Just because some sexual urge is 'natural', it does not mean that it is good to act upon it or follow it. Some people have incest urges and they too are natural to them. Should they follow those urges or subdue such urges through extensive reflection of Gurbani and Naam Abhiyaas (repetition of the Divine-Name). Some are pedophiles and have such horrific urges. Does it mean that the pedophiles are supposed to follow their urges just because they are 'natural' to them? Gurbani teaches us that urges, inclinations or desires can be subdued through reading, listening, contemplating and understanding the Guru's Shabad, keeping company with the Saadh Sangat (company of the Holy), sewa (selfless service) and Naam Simran (devotional remembrance and meditation of the Lord).

"Sexual desire, anger, greed, pride and envy are destroyed in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy." (Ang 1223 SGGSJ)

According to the Sikh Rehit Maryada, the Anand Karaj (Sikh marriage) can only be between a Sikh man and woman only. Sexual relationship can only be between the couple married under the Anand Karaj maryada. Denouncing the practice of same-sex marriages, Jathedar of Akal Takht, issued a directive with the seal of Sri Akaal Takht Sahib that prohibited any Gurdwara in the world to hold such ceremonies. Jathedar Giani Joginder Singh Vedanti described same sex marriages as an ‘anti-Gurmat’ trend that had no place in Sikhism.

"He alone is a Sikh, a friend, a relative and a sibling, who walks in the Way of the Guru's Will. One who walks according to his own will, O Siblings of Destiny, suffers separation from the Lord, and shall be punished. Without the True Guru, peace is never obtained, O Siblings of Destiny; again and again, he regrets and repents.” (Ang 601 SGGSJ)

To download the "can Amritdharis be Gay?" Powerpoit presentation please click on the following Link.

We urge all Sikh Societies and Gurdwara Youth workers to educate our youth on this issue, as it is becoming a growing problem!