Friday, 13 February 2009

Guru Gobind Singh Ji and the poor Bibi

A Masand (a priest who would collect offerings from the Sangat and give them to the Guru) would collect 'Dasvand' (ten percent of earnings) from the locals to donate the Guru's Golak (deposit). One day a poor lady came with a handful of daal (lentils) and chowl (rice) and put it on the plate of the Masand who was collecting offerings for the Guru. The Masand looked at the old lady and laughed at her. The lady was shocked at why the Masand was laughing. He said, 'Old lady is this all you have?

You expect us to make kichar-ree (lentil rice) with this or something? With this little amount, there is no point of donating it! Take it back!' He handed back the handful of rice and of daal.

The lady knew that in the house of Guru Ji everything counts and that the Guru (the all-knower) must know what is happening. Even dough the Masands would collect money and offerings on behalf of the Guru, some of the Masand's had become corrupt and greedy, and kept the offerings for themselves.

The poor old lady started collecting her offerings at home. Months later, Sri Guru Gobind Rai Ji was in the area. The old bibi (mother) found out. She knew that if a Sikhs prays from the bottom of the heart the Guru will hear.

So she did Ardaas (prayer) that Guru Ji blessed her home so she can see the prince with her old eyes. She made some Kich-charee (lentil rice).

Hearing her ardaas Sri Guru Gobind Rai and some Sikhs went to the old lady’s house. Guru Ji said,'oh dadi-ma (Grandmother) I have been awaiting to eat your Kich-charee. The old mother offered food to Guru Ji and his Sikhs. 'Guru Ji now stood up to leave. The old lady pleads to Guru Sahib, 'please don't leave my house, please. Always stay with me'.

Sri Guru Gobind Rai Ji with a gentle smile on his face replied, 'Oh Dadi-ma (Grandmother) I will always be with you, when you want to feed me kich-charee, feed the poor. Feed the poor and you have fed me and you will see me through this.' The old lady accepted Guru Ji's order.

Every time the old lady felt like seeing Guru Ji, she would make kich-charee and feed the poor and hungry people, and she could feel Guru Ji with her always. Like this, she was with Guru Gobind Rai from then on till her last breath.

Nowadays, if someone donated a kich-charee (or a handful of rice and daal) at a Gudwara, they would be laughed at. Only a Gudwara where a true Guru's Sikh is present would they happily accept the offering and donate it. Otherwise people would laugh and say that Singh's eat keer (rice pudding), a variety of daal and Sabji's and best of best food and not a poxy kich-charee which poor and needy people eat in India.

If Guru Saheb could eat from the old lady's offerings.... then why can't we see this?
Guru Saheb didn’t say is there Turka, does it have enough onions and mirach (spices).... however nowadays we have become fussy, complainant and stuck up.

Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj!!!!!!

'kabeer, where there is spiritual wisdom, there is religion and righteousness.
Where there is greed there is death. Where there is forgiveness, there God is Himself.' (Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji)