Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Meat The Common Sense Angle

Every thing has life so why argue about meat; we must be allowed to eat it?

• Yes every thing has energy as everything has been created, but everything has been created for a different purpose. Vegetation was created as food to provide sustenance to the body. This has been clearly stated in Gurbani.

• If you kick your pet dog and kill it, you can get charged for abuse and maybe murder. But if you bash a banana you cannot be called cruel or a murderer. The banana does not bleed.

• Even our urine and shit are apart of the creation but we don’t eat them because they are not meant to be eaten, they are a result product of the body’s regulation system. In the same way flesh also known as a carcass is the waste product of an animal’s life. But some people still insist on eating flesh after knowing this.

• If you eat roti and dal, no one can say you are using your belly as a graveyard. But if you eat dead animal’s people can say that you are using your belly as a grave yard. As that is a true fact!

• A good person would not chop up and eat their friends or family. But when someone does that we all are quick to say that “ergghh that man is nasty (disgusting), he is a cannibal” Well the truth is that flesh is flesh whether it is human or animal. So if you eat flesh you are a cannibal. If you think any different then you are being a hypercritic.

  • An animal has senses, eyes, organs, a brain and a conscience. It move and can commit deeds and actions. Therefore it will cry in pain and feel fear when being hurt or killed. Does a tomato do the same thing?

By Singhrow Productions

For more meat realted article including Gurbani quotes against meat please serch this blog