Thursday, 26 February 2009
Wednesday, 25 February 2009
Sunday, 22 February 2009
Sunday, 15 February 2009
Fabricated Kirpan Case Haunts Sikh Community Two Years Later
Renowned lawyer Julius Grey, who successfully defended Gurbaj Singh in 2006, has again taken up the kirpan case this year. Julius Grey believes that the Sikh student has been framed in this case and he has not violated the law in any way. He denied the allegation of the Sikh Student pulling out his kirpan, saying that the Sikhs are barred from unsheathing the kirpan in public. Grey held that the only time the Sikh Student had unsheathed the kirpan was when asked by the police and when school officials forced him to show it after the alleged incident took place. In contrast, the school is pushing the case as a clear incident of assault. Julius Grey said that the two classmates who were blaming the Sikh student wanted to teach him a lesson as they held a personal grudge against him. The story was clearly fabricated and then reported to the principal who, without investigating the case, reported it to the police. Observers say that xenophobia has steadily been on the rise in Quebec. Some in the province are still getting used to the influx of immigrants, other Canadians and non-French speakers. Customs and religious beliefs that they do not understand are often shunned and outlawed without an attempt to create understanding and cross-cultural communication. The Sikh community stands united with the young Sikh Student. They are condemning the case and seeing it as a fabrication by the police to “get back to the Sikhs” as they lost the landmark case in 2006 against Gurbaj Singh, alleged Manjit Singh, a local, well renowned leader of the Sikh community.TORONTO, Canada (KP)— Another kirpan case has reached the court in Montreal, and this time a thirteen year old Sikh student is accused of allegedly using his kirpan to threaten his classmates. It is believed that the case should follow precedent set in the case filed earlier in 2006, which was awarded in favor of another Sikh Student.
Student Protesting at Jallianwala Bagh Beaten by Police
Friday 13th of February 2009
Panthic Weekly News Bureau
AMRITSAR SAHIB (KP)—In a strange twist, Punjab Police lashed out at young protestors at Jallianwala Bagh. The protest by college students, led by the Punjab Students Union and Punjab Naujawan Sabha, was held to air views against the renovation of certain parts of Jallianwala Bagh. A warning was already given to the Punjab Government in the past to stop construction at Jallianwala Bagh, however the protest was carried out due to the lack of a Government response. The Punjab Police showed no mercy when they attacked the students as well as women and elders. The police charged the protestors with batons and did not stop as the protestors took sanctuary inside Sri Harmandir Sahib. The protestors had demolished the much debated “light and sound” gallery built here recently. While speaking to the press, the student body led by Gurmukh Singh Mann alleged that the history of Jallianwala Bagh was being destroyed by the Punjab Government. The students raised objections over a newly constructed structure at Jallianwala Bagh and held that the Government was bent on destroying the history of The protesters belonging to the Punjab Students Union, who later paid obeisance at Harmandir Sahib and did ardas, later told the press that several students were forced out of Harmandir Sahib by the police and illegally beaten. In addition, over twenty five students, including eleven females, were arrested by the Police without warrant. Several eye witnesses also testified against such cruel brutalities of the police. Eyeing another wave of protests against the Government, Sukhbir Badal, deputy Chief Minister, has asked the Director General of the Police to investigate the incident and submit a report. He admitted that such an incident should have never have happened and apologized for the actions of the Police. The merciless beating of innocent students reminds many of the brutality by British troops against civilians who were massacred here ninety years ago. The incident resulted in almost four hundred casualties in about 10 minutes. Over the years, there have been complaints due to a lack of Government intervention in preserving the Bagh. Organizations have asked the Punjab Government to issue a proper investigation into the incident and to further stop any such constructions or renovation work without the consultation of experts. Modernization of historical landmarks will only result in damage to the golden history of |
In July 2008, Panthic Weekly exposed Project Naad for supporting the Dera Sacha Sauda cult, who has mercilessly murdered innocent Sikhs, and for writing against the Sikhs who seek justice. Further to this, in September 2008, Panthic Weekly exposed some of the subtle anti-Gurmat propaganda contained within the Project Naad leaflets, articles and statements by them on Sikh forums. This week, Panthic Weekly exposes and highlights how this small group of UK youngsters in Sikh guise are aligned to anti-Sikh elements and promote their ideology via their website, internet forums, social-networking sites, university Sikh societies, and the Sikh Student Camp (Chigwell, England). LONDON (KP)— A UK Sikh youth group under the name of ‘Project Naad’ has been discovered to be supporting the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, a fundamentalist Hindu right-wing nationalist movement that has and plans to further distort Sikh history and religion and claims that Sikhs are Hindus. Worryingly, this group claims to be providing resources and materials to promote the Sikh religion to Sikh youth and non-Sikhs in colleges and universities. The same group is involved in the discredited ‘Sikh Student Camp’ (Chigwell, England), in which last year they were group leaders and also were invited to deliver a talk to naïve campers.
"they (Project Naad) are openly promoting the so-called Sanatan Sikhi ideology and RSS sites on their own website"
Promotion of anti-Sikh groups by Project Naad had already been raised as a concern by Sikhs on internet forums in the past. Project Naad members replied on these forumsm including our own, in support of Radha Soamis, Namdharis, Nakli Nirankaris, and Dera Jhoota Sauda. Now it appears that they are openly promoting the so-called Sanatan Sikhi ideology and RSS websites on their own website.
Screen shot images from Project Naad Website:
Project Naad's official site contains links to Sanatan Hindu and RSS websites
It is clear by now that Project Naad supports the widely discredited Sanatan view of Sikhi that is propagated and supported by UK Nangs (fake Neo-Nihangs) and the RSS. Panthic Weekly urges the UK Sangat to be cautious of this and other anti-Panthic and anti-Gurmat groups targeting the youth and wider Sangat through discreet Parchar on the Internet, universities, and particular camps.
Related Articles:
Exposé: Project Naad's Anti-Gurmat Views on Relationships
Is Project Naad now supporting Dera Jhoota Sauda Sirsa Cult ?
Friday, 13 February 2009
Guru Gobind Singh and a pirs test

On the day of Gobind Rai's birth, Bhikan Shah, a Muslim Pir who lived in the punjab, did a very curious thing. He bowed to the east instead of to the west towards mecca. His followers were shocked and asked him why he was doing this. He replied.’On this day, a beloved of God has been born who will both a saint and a hero.' He vowed to go and worship the new-born saint, and would perform a daily fast until he saw him. He made the very long journey to

Guru Gobind Singh Ji and the poor Bibi

A Masand (a priest who would collect offerings from the Sangat and give them to the Guru) would collect 'Dasvand' (ten percent of earnings) from the locals to donate the Guru's Golak (deposit). One day a poor lady came with a handful of daal (lentils) and chowl (rice) and put it on the plate of the Masand who was collecting offerings for the Guru. The Masand looked at the old lady and laughed at her. The lady was shocked at why the Masand was laughing. He said, 'Old lady is this all you have?
You expect us to make kichar-ree (lentil rice) with this or something? With this little amount, there is no point of donating it! Take it back!' He handed back the handful of rice and of daal.
The lady knew that in the house of Guru Ji everything counts and that the Guru (the all-knower) must know what is happening. Even dough the Masands would collect money and offerings on behalf of the Guru, some of the Masand's had become corrupt and greedy, and kept the offerings for themselves.
The poor old lady started collecting her offerings at home. Months later, Sri Guru Gobind Rai Ji was in the area. The old bibi (mother) found out. She knew that if a Sikhs prays from the bottom of the heart the Guru will hear.
So she did Ardaas (prayer) that Guru Ji blessed her home so she can see the prince with her old eyes. She made some Kich-charee (lentil rice).
Hearing her ardaas Sri Guru Gobind Rai and some Sikhs went to the old lady’s house. Guru Ji said,'oh dadi-ma (Grandmother) I have been awaiting to eat your Kich-charee. The old mother offered food to Guru Ji and his Sikhs. 'Guru Ji now stood up to leave. The old lady pleads to Guru Sahib, 'please don't leave my house, please. Always stay with me'.
Sri Guru Gobind Rai Ji with a gentle smile on his face replied, 'Oh Dadi-ma (Grandmother) I will always be with you, when you want to feed me kich-charee, feed the poor. Feed the poor and you have fed me and you will see me through this.' The old lady accepted Guru Ji's order.
Every time the old lady felt like seeing Guru Ji, she would make kich-charee and feed the poor and hungry people, and she could feel Guru Ji with her always. Like this, she was with Guru Gobind Rai from then on till her last breath.
Nowadays, if someone donated a kich-charee (or a handful of rice and daal) at a Gudwara, they would be laughed at. Only a Gudwara where a true Guru's Sikh is present would they happily accept the offering and donate it. Otherwise people would laugh and say that Singh's eat keer (rice pudding), a variety of daal and Sabji's and best of best food and not a poxy kich-charee which poor and needy people eat in
If Guru Saheb could eat from the old lady's offerings.... then why can't we see this?
Guru Saheb didn’t say is there Turka, does it have enough onions and mirach (spices).... however nowadays we have become fussy, complainant and stuck up.
Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj!!!!!!
'kabeer, where there is spiritual wisdom, there is religion and righteousness.
Where there is greed there is death. Where there is forgiveness, there God is Himself.' (Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji)
The Spirit Of the Khalsa

The Spirit of the Khalsa
"The Khalsa is my own form;
I manifest myself through the Khalsa.
So long as Khalsa remains distinct;
I bestow all glory on them."
(Guru Gobind Singh)
Every day parties of Sikh pilgrims arrived in Anandpur. The leader of one group, on seeing the Guru, made this request:
"O true King, the Muslim tyrants have made the life of the common people very difficult. They can't move as they wish. They are not allowed even to make pilgrimages to the holy places. Only yesterday as we were on our way to you, a party of Mughal soldiers stopped us and robbed us. They took some of our party and cut of their hair and when we resisted some of our friends were killed. Where can we look for assistance?"
"My brothers, I have made you the same as I am. There is no difference between you and me. You have passed my toughest test with honour. You are my five beloved ones."
The Miracle of Amrit
Guru Gobind Singh started the baptism of Amrit and thousands of Sikhs drank the nectar from the five Beloved Ones. He gave a new hope and strength to the weak and the downtrodden. He swept away timidity and cowardice from the hearts of ordinary people. The Guru said, "Only then shall I be called Guru Gobind Singh, when I make the sparrows hunt down the hawks and a single Sikh (Singh) fight a legion."
When the women drank Amrit, they became Kaurs-the princesses. This was to make clear to the people the Guru's point of view that a daughter was as good as a son. This was the same idea as taught by Guru Nanak
"Why call her inferior who gives birth to Kings and great men?"
When her companions arrived at the scene of the attack they were horrified to see a dead man. The brave lady told them the whole story. The party did not agree as to the proper conduct of the woman. Some said that it was unlady-like for a woman to fight against men. Others said that it was entirely against the tradition and ancient religions. But there were others who had caught the revolutionary spirit of the times. They praised her for bravery in fighting these evil men.
A day later the party arrived at Anandpur. The news of this incident spread quickly. A controversy arose over the role of the young lady. "How should a Sikh lady act in times of danger to her life and honour?" was the question. There was a great difference of opinion. When the question was referred to the Guru in the Sangat (The holy gathering) he praised the brave action of this daughter and asked her to appear before the congregation. There were loud cheers when the Guru said, "Dear daughter you have acted in the right way. You are really brave. I am pleased at your conduct. I wish all the Sikh ladies would follow your shining example." The young lady bowed and accepted the Guru's blessings. The Guru then addressed the Sangat
"All human beings, rich or poor, high or low, kings or subjects have the right to life-to an honourable life. All have the right of self-protection. If someone attempts to take your life, you have the right to use whatever you want for your self defense wheather you are man or women. It is a matter of greatest honour for everyone to protect the honour of women, whether they belong to friends or foes. Not to do so is totally against the Sikh religion. As for women, they must be ready to fight if there is no other alternative."
The Sangat was greatly pleased with the Guru's instructions. It was with these teachings in mind that later on many Sikh women fought shoulder to shoulder with the men in the fight against the oppression, bigotry and intolerance of the Mughal rulers. They made heroic sacrifices to keep the flame of religious freedom burning.
"Consider women other than your wife,
as your mothers, sisters and daughters.
To look lustfully at a woman other than your wife,
is like pork for a Muslim and beef for a Hindu."
(Bhai Gurdas)
Some very serious objections were raised by the Hindus against the Khalsa. They asked, "How can all castes eat together? How can people obtain salvation without reading the Vedas? How can the sword preach peace?" The Guru did not care what they said. He ordered all his followers to be baptized and become members of the Khalsa. He asked them to renounce the caste system and abandon Hindu beliefs and ways of worship.
On one occasion Ajmer Chand, a descendant of Raja Bhim Chand, was in Anandpur. He asked the Guru some questions about the Khalsa
Guru Gobind Singh: "My Sikhs shall remain in their natural form. They will not shave off their hair (Bhadan) like the Hindus, nor will they be circumcised like the Muslims. A turban will be part of their uniform."
Guru Gobind Singh: "Time alone shall answer this question. For the present, let me say that if hair were not pleasing to God, why should He have caused it to grow? As for the idols, I must say that my Sikhs will worship the only God who according to Guru Nanak, can never be set up by any human hand (Thapia Na Jai). You will see that my Sikhs: with the name of God in their hearts, will be able to hold their ground against hundreds and thousands. I will show you how sparrows shall kill hawks. The lowest in society which you call riff-raff will lose all caste, and when they become my Singhs they shall make the mightiest warriors tremble in their shoes. These are not mere words. Their truth will be as clear as daylight in the near future."
The Raja was, however, not convinced and did not accept the Guru's baptism. Conspiring with other hill chiefs he sent a man named Parma Nand to act as a secret agent in the Guru's court, to report on what the Guru did. It was on Parma Nand's advice that two hired murderers Balia and Alim Chand, ambushed the Guru when he was alone. But they were both killed and their attempt to kill the Guru failed. The Guru's growing popularity and the dangers that it entailed, had already been reported to Aurangzeb. Aurangzeb agreed to destroy the power of the Guru and his Sikhs if the armies of the hill chiefs also joined in the hunt. The hill chiefs agreed and an army of 10,000 was immediately sent to Anandpur under the command of Dina Beg and Painda Khan. At Ropar, the armies of the hill chiefs also joined them. It was decided that's if possible, the Guru should be caught alive, so that he should meet the severest punishment, which would be a terrible warning to his followers.
When the news of the Imperial army's advance reached the Guru, he appointed his five Beloved Sikhs as his generals and made quick preparations. When the two armies met, a fierce battle took place. Painda Khan, the Moghul Commander, was killed. Ajmer Chand and some other hill Chiefs took flight. Soon after that the second Moghul Commander, Dina Beg, was wounded. The imperial army had to retreat to Ropar. It was now quite clear to the Guru that the Sikhs must always be on the alert. He, therefore, sent for more muskets, swords and gunpowder and started more intensive training for his followers.
After this defeat, the hill chiefs of
The siege was carried out. When the news reached some of the Sikhs. they rallied round their leaders and marched towards Anandpur to help the Guru in this hour of need. About 500 men under the command of Duni Chand entered the town killing the royal soldiers at the gates. Within Anandpur the Guru had two fortes Lohgarh and Fatehgarh. One guarded by Sher Singh and Nahar Singh with 500 soldiers. The other was guarded by Ude Singh and Duni Chand. The siege went on and on. For a time it looked as though the Sikhs were facing defeat. But their determination never let them down. One day Ajit Singh, the eldest son of the Guru, asked his father for permission to go out and fight the enemy. The Guru allowed him to go and soon Ajit Singh was out in the thick of the fighting, He shot his arrows so skillfully that they brought death to many enemy soldiers. When his horse was killed under him, he fought on foot. Another brave Sikh, Baba Bachittar Singh showed rare courage in tackling a fully armed, drunken elephant. The elephant was sent to break open the main gate of the fort. The struggle continued for many months and it seemed as though the siege would never end.
"Do not present yourself before me without Keshas and arms."
(Guru Gobind Singh)
Thursday, 12 February 2009
Da Ghettos of london
Can Amritdharis be Gay?
What is the Sikh attitude to homosexuality?
Sikh believe in following the laws of nature. God has created everything in opposites in his divine laws. We have day and night, man and women, water and fire, life and death etc. Sikh also believe reproduction is a necessary part of Gods will. Infact any sexual activity other then to reproduce is seen as a lustful deed and is unlegitamate. Even animals reproduce. Sikhs see homosexuality as a corrupt desire of the mind therefore it is not permitted within the Sikh faith. Even on a magnet the north and north of another magnet repel but the opposite south filed will stick to the north field.
Whether homosexual inclinations, tendencies and behaviour are natural or not does not hold any weight when discussing Gurmat (the Guru's teachings). It is possible that urges, inclinations and desires may be natural to some, but in Gurmat a Sikh is not supposed to act upon or follow on all urges of sexual desire/lust (or any other vice).
"(In the world) everyone acts according to the inclinations of the mind. (But the one who remembers and meditates on the Lord's name doesn't follow the inclinations of the mind, instead with the blessings of Naam becomes) the image of the Creator Lord and remains in a state free of fear" (Ang 1167 SGGSJ)
Just because some sexual urge is 'natural', it does not mean that it is good to act upon it or follow it. Some people have incest urges and they too are natural to them. Should they follow those urges or subdue such urges through extensive reflection of Gurbani and Naam Abhiyaas (repetition of the Divine-Name). Some are pedophiles and have such horrific urges. Does it mean that the pedophiles are supposed to follow their urges just because they are 'natural' to them? Gurbani teaches us that urges, inclinations or desires can be subdued through reading, listening, contemplating and understanding the Guru's Shabad, keeping company with the Saadh Sangat (company of the Holy), sewa (selfless service) and Naam Simran (devotional remembrance and meditation of the Lord).
"Sexual desire, anger, greed, pride and envy are destroyed in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy." (Ang 1223 SGGSJ)
According to the Sikh Rehit Maryada, the Anand Karaj (Sikh marriage) can only be between a Sikh man and woman only. Sexual relationship can only be between the couple married under the Anand Karaj maryada. Denouncing the practice of same-sex marriages, Jathedar of Akal Takht, issued a directive with the seal of Sri Akaal Takht Sahib that prohibited any Gurdwara in the world to hold such ceremonies. Jathedar Giani Joginder Singh Vedanti described same sex marriages as an ‘anti-Gurmat’ trend that had no place in Sikhism.
"He alone is a Sikh, a friend, a relative and a sibling, who walks in the Way of the Guru's Will. One who walks according to his own will, O Siblings of Destiny, suffers separation from the Lord, and shall be punished. Without the True Guru, peace is never obtained, O Siblings of Destiny; again and again, he regrets and repents.” (Ang 601 SGGSJ)
To download the "can Amritdharis be Gay?" Powerpoit presentation please click on the following Link.
Why Guru Nanak Dev Ji went Mecca?

This Shabad is by Bhai Gurdaas Ji in Vaars Bhai Gurdaas on Pannaa 1
bwbw iPir mky gieAw nIl bsqR Dwry bnvwrI]
baabaa fir makae gaeiaa neel basathr dhhaarae banavaaree||
Donning blue attire then Baba Nanak went to Mecca.
Awsw hiQ ikqwb kiC kUjw bWg muslw DwrI]
aasaa hathh kithaab kashh koojaa baa(n)g musalaa dhhaaree||
He held staff in his hand, pressed a book under his armpit, caught hold of a metal pot and mattress.
bYTw jwie msIq ivic ijQy hwjI h`j gujwrI]
bait(h)aa jaae maseeth vich jithhae haajee haaj gujaaree||
Now he sat in a mosque where the pilgrims (Hajjis) had gathered.
jw bwbw suqw rwiq no vil mihrwby pwie pswrI]
jaa baabaa suthaa raath no val mehiraabae paae pasaaree||
When Baba (Nanak) slept in the night spreading his legs towards the alcove of mosque at Kaba.
Jivix mwrI liq dI kyhVw suqw ku&r ku&wrI]
jhavin maaree lath dhee kaeharraa suthaa kur kuaaree||
The qazi named Jivan kicked him and asked who was this infidel enacting blasphemy.
lqW vil Kudwie dy ikau kr pieAw hoie bijgwrI]
lathaa(n) val khudhaae dhae kio kar paeiaa hoe bajigaaree||
Why this sinner is sleeping with his legs spread towards God, Khuda.
tMgo pkiV GsIitAw iPirAw m`kw klw idKwrI]
tta(n)go pakarr ghaseettiaa firiaa maakaa kalaa dhikhaaree||
Catching hold of the legs he moved them in the opposite direction. Behold the miracle, the whole of
hoie hYrwn kryin juhwrI ]32]
hoe hairaan karaen juhaaree ||32||
All got surprised and they all bowed.(32)
Are Amritdharis allowed to wear jewellery?

Why certain people wear jewellery?
· To decorate themselves and look more attractive
· To show off their wealth (form of status and financial power)
Why some people don’t wear jewellery?
· Waste of money, that money can be spent on more relevant things like helping the blind and starving.
· Some people say that they want to attract people with their shining personality, not a shiny necklace.
· Some people have been mugged etc before for their jewellery.
surmwidk iSMgwr nihN nihN pr qrunI sMig
suramaadhik shi(n)gaar nehi(n) nehi(n) par tharunee sa(n)gi
Do not wear make-up or jewellery. Do not commit adultery. Rehatnama Bhai Daya Singh Jee
prhir kpVu jy ipr imlY KusI rwvY ipru sMig ] sdw sIgwrI nwau min kdy n mYlu pqMgu ]
parehar kaparr jae pir milai khusee raavai pir sa(n)g || sadhaa seegaaree naao man kadhae n mail patha(n)g ||
Discarding worldly adornments, she meets her Husband Lord, and she celebrates joyfully with Him. She is adorned forever with the Name in her mind, and she does not have even an iota of filth. Ang 642 SGGSJ
Make up and jewellery are seen as mere artificial things in Sikhi, because the Sikh is not interested in attracting people by donning on materialistic items. The Sikhs main concern is to purify their soul and obtain Gods grace.
ibnu ipr Dn sIgwrIAY jobnu bwid KuAwru ]
bin pir dhhan seegaareeai joban baadh khuaar ||
Without her Husband, the soul-bride's youth and ornaments are useless and wretched. Ang 58 SGGSJ
lK sIgwr bxwieAw kwrij nwhI kyqu ]
lakh seegaar banaaeiaa kaaraj naahee kaeth ||
She may wear thousands of ornaments, but they are of no use at all. Ang 134 SGGSJ
You can look beautiful and charming but that will not stop the angel of death from getting you. Only if you have Gods protection will the angel of death leave you alone.
sbid scY rMgu lwlu kir BY Bwie sIgwru bxwie ]
sabadh sachai ra(n)g laal kar bhai bhaae seegaar banaae ||
So make the True Word of the Shabad your red dress, and let the Fear of God, and the Love of God, be your ornaments and decorations. Ang 786 SGGSJ
Bling Bling Singh Doing His Ting – His appearance might be Blinging and Stunning but remember it’s about the inside.
Shaheed Bhai Fauja Singh Ji – His out side appearance might be simple and not blinging or stunning , but if you read this Singhs history you will know his souls was stunning and shinning with the blessings of waheguru!
Cow piss drink to be launched
India to launch cow urine as soft drink (no, we're not taking the p***)
(Sasa Kralj/AP)
Welcome to your new vending machine...
Jeremy Page,
Does your Pepsi lack pep? Is your Coke not the real thing?
The bovine brew is in the final stages of development by the Cow Protection Department of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS),
Om Prakash, the head of the department, said the drink – called "gau jal", or "cow water" – in Sanskrit was undergoing laboratory tests and would be launched "very soon, maybe by the end of this year".
"Don't worry, it won't smell like urine and will be tasty too," he told The Times from his headquarters in
The drink is the latest attempt by the RSS – which was founded in 1925 and now claims eight million members – to cleanse
Hindus revere cows and slaughtering them is illegal in most of
In 2001, the RSS and its offshoots – which include the opposition Bharatiya Janata Party – began promoting cow urine as a cure for ailments ranging from liver disease to obesity and even cancer.
The movement has often been accused of using more violent methods, such as killing 67 Christians in the eastern state of Orissa last year, and assaulting women in a pub in Mangalore last month. It also has a history of targeting foreign business in
The cola brands are popular in
Mr Prakash said his drink, by contrast, was made mainly of cow urine, mixed with a few medicinal and ayurvedic herbs. He said it would be "cheap", but declined to give further details about its price or ingredients until it was officially launched.
He insisted, however, that it would be able to compete with the American cola brands, even with their enormous advertising budgets. "We're going to give them good competition as our drink is good for mankind," he said. "We may also think of exporting it.
Is black magic real?

irKI munI idgMbrW kwlK krwmwq Aglyry]
rikhee munee dhiga(n)baraa(n) kaalakh karaamaath agalaerae||
(Similarly among the Hindus) Rishis, munis, Jain Digambars (Jain naked ascetics) and many miracle-makers knowing black magic are also known in this world. This Shabad is by Bhai Gurdaas Ji in Vaars Bhai Gurdaas on Pannaa 40
rwm nwmu jo jnu jpY Anidnu sd jwgY ]
raam naam jo jan japai anadhin sadh jaagai ||
That humble being who chants the Lord's Name, remains always awake and aware, night and day.
qMqu mMqu nh joheI iqqu cwKu n lwgY ]1] rhwau ]
tha(n)th ma(n)th neh johee thith chaakh n laagai ||1|| rehaao ||
He is not affected by charms and spells, nor is he harmed by the evil eye. ||1||Pause|| Ang 817 SGGSJ
moih dIn hir hir hir iDAwieAw ]5]
mohi dheen har har har dhhiaaeiaa ||5||
I am meek; I meditate on the Lord, Har, Har, Har. ||5||
iknhI isD bhu cytk lwey ]
kinehee sidhh bahu chaettak laaeae ||
Some work spells using the miraculous spiritual powers of the Siddhas.
iknhI ByK bhu Qwt bnwey ]
kinehee bhaekh bahu thhaatt banaaeae ||
Some wear various religious robes and establish their authority.
iknhI qMq mMq bhu Kyvw ]
kinehee tha(n)th ma(n)th bahu khaevaa ||
Some perform Tantric spells, and chant various mantras.
moih dIn hir hir hir syvw ]6]
mohi dheen har har har saevaa ||6||
I am meek; I serve the Lord, Har, Har, Har. ||6|| ANG 912 SGGSJ